From | Message |
kennungesser Gen III

9/11/2001 17:36:53
Subject: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: My friends , this is a time to put our differences aside , and band together. We will not be brought to our knees! We will come through this stronger , and more determined than ever!
Tonight , say a prayer for the ones lost , and those they left behind. Hold your loved ones close,and count every blessing,however small.
Kenneth l Nungesser
Doch80 Dodge Dakota 
9/11/2001 17:56:37
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Semper Fi!!
BlueTwister *GenIII*

9/11/2001 18:39:35
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: My thoughts exactly Ken.We need to stay strong and come togehter because we are at war.Nobody comes in hear to tear are freedom away.Rest in Peace to the ones that we lost may they be in a better place.To the ones that lost lets take a minute and pray for them .DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED.IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
1999 RC 4x4 / 318cid / MasterCraft 32x11.50s 15x8 Optima Alloys/ Pioneer Sound System
greybeard Gen III

9/11/2001 20:54:13
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Gentlemen,
It's time for the US to kick some SERIOUS ass in the Middle East! We need to handle this like Clint Eastwood or The Godfather would - start with Afganistan then Iraq and finally Iran. Then let's see if the Libyans, Palestinians or ANYONE else wants to screw with the USA! They're more like rabid animals anyway - put them out of their misery - kill them all and then take their oil! If they really want to die for Allah then we should help grant their wishes, en masse. It's time that someone struck terror upon THEM! (Sorry if I offended anyone but I'm a Viet Nam era veteran and I don't believe in half-assed efforts!
Wayne Dodge Dakota
9/11/2001 21:03:55
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: With all this training ( military, fire/rescue, EMT....)and I'm sitting at home watching all this develope on TV and can't do a thing to help. I feel terrible. I'm going give blood tomorrow. I gotta' do something. The good guys aways win. We gotta' win. My prayers for all involved. God bless America.
mopar67 Dodge Dakota 
9/11/2001 21:05:55
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: You bet we will! This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and we're all citizens. Lets give Bush all our support, keep a cool head, and hope they get the sons of bi*ches who did this.
Mark my words, as Admiral Yamamoto said many years ago, "We have awakened a sleeping giant".
And the world will soon get a reminder of just how powerful and resourceful we are.
God bless all of you and god bless AMERICA!
Hawkeye *GenIII*

9/11/2001 21:15:43
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: AMEN to all the above.
Doch, I am ex Army but I will second that.
Greybeard, you are right. My uncle still has souveniers from vietnam firmly embeded in his body.
We all need to stand together now. This could get very serious and very ugly very quickly. We have toyed around to long. Isreal has long been trying to convince the world of what they are up against but no one has payed any attention. Now its in our back yard. Dont think for a minute it cant or wont happen again. It can and it might be worse next time. I really like what Harrison Ford said in the movie "Air Force One". Its time for them to be afraid. We will not negotiate, we will not bargain. Let the hunt begin. Everyone, go out and buy a dozen flags and find a place to fly them. Put one on your Dak. Let the whole world tremble now. I hope that Admiral Yamamoto's words ring true for a second time in history and that they have now "Awakened A Sleeping Giant".
God be with the families and rest the souls of those lost.
USA- ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 33x12.50 Pro Comp X-T's
Jacob Dodge Dakota 
9/12/2001 00:44:24
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Amen!!!
Going to give blood and a getflag tomorrow, already got one flying on my house
and pity those who are responsible.
HOpelfully Bush has the balls to finish this right
DakotaFan Dakota Enthusiast

9/12/2001 00:57:31
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Greybeard, no one could have put it better. Finish the job this time. I like the sound of taking the oil as well. I'm f-ing tired of everyone patting them on the head to save oil interests! Take it and call it our own!
Hawk, my flags are up, the dak is dressed too. We added black ribbons and small flags on our porch in support of the murdered and the relatives who lost them so tragically. I was taught extreme respect for our flag, and it stirs much hate in me to see ANYONE burn one!
You really never learn how to swear until you learn to drive...
nextgen Dodge Dakota
9/12/2001 01:08:42
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Guys and Gals,
General Yamamoto was correct in saying the Japanese "Awakened a Sleeping Giant", but that doesn't apply to this situation, They not only Awakened a Sleeping Giant, THEY REALLY REALLY PISSED IT OFF!! The British said it before, and I will say it again, God Help the poor souls who goto war against the UNITED STATES.....Me and my three buddies have decieded if war is offically declared we may possible enlist in the Armed Forces, We will do anything to help the Government KILL Bin Laden, so NSA if your reading this, which you probably are, I Will go in if you want me too....just look me up I know you have my number....
2000 4.7L 4X4 SLT PLUS AUTO
Jet Stage II, Z-Tube
Custom Exhaust, Extang Soft Tonno
AND A 3X5 foot AMERICAN FLAG hanging off the back, where everyone can see it!!!!
surferpug Dodge Dakota 
9/12/2001 01:44:26
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: How do we even know it was an act of Bin Ladin. Remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty, so far we have no proof, just speculation. Anyways, I don't know how you guys feel, but right now, I actually am starting to have everything sink in. The reality of what happened is actually making me cry. The last time I did that was when my dad died, when I was 8. I think I am going to take the week off and try to cope with what happened.
surferpug Dodge Dakota 
9/12/2001 01:46:38
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: I hope we find whoever masterminded this quickly. I don't know how much more tears I can produce over the course of this ordeal
Wayne Dodge Dakota
9/12/2001 06:02:37
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Buck up surferpug. We mourn and bury our dead. We help our wounded. We don't need to jump to conclusions on who is behind it(I would lost a bet on who blew up the federal building in Okla. City - an ex Army man from my old division. Methodically find who did it and put a stop to them. I'm too old to go back in the Army but I will do what I can. Giving blood is a start. It really hasn't sunk in on most of us yet. It will take far, far, more than what was done Tuesday to break our spirit. I'm fixing the vacuum leak on my truck today. I'm racing Friday night. I'm saying the pledge of allegeance when I get a chance. Life goes on and I'll watch for chances to help where I can. God bless you all.
AndyL Dodge Dakota
9/12/2001 09:29:36
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: You know the more htat we see the buildings get blown up the more angry and piszed we get and for the packs that were in the streets cheering hopefully they will be in the grave yards cring because the USA will lay the smack down!!!!!!!!!!
rEID tARDO Dodge Dakota
9/12/2001 10:34:53
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: One of the saddest parts about this whole tragic event is that it took an attack on american soil for us to stand up and take notice. This sort of thing (although maybee not to this magnitude) goes on every day in this crazy world. I think its time we take a stand against not only the terrorist that perpetrated this horrific act, But against all that have no respect for human life, American or otherwise
BigG Gen III

9/12/2001 11:44:29
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Kill All Known Terrorists !
That should solve the problem.
2001, 3.9, 2wd, Auto, Club Cab, SLT Plus, Sport Suspension Autolite 3923's, Borg Warner Brass Cap & Rotor, Flowmaster Delta Flow 50 Cut In, Speedtweeks Stage 1 Kit, (Intense intake, 5.2 TB, Cable Kit & IAT Adjuster) Long Island, New York
01 DAK CHIC Dodge Dakota 
9/12/2001 14:01:16
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Please say a prayer for all the ems and fire and police who did their job and lost their lives for AMERICA. This is a horrible act and I hope they find who did this. Its is still hard to believe and god knows it is still not over. I live in Pa between the two and its scary especially living 5 mins from Peach Bottom Power Plant. Just Pray for all the lost souls. God Bless everyone.
94DAK Dodge Dakota
9/12/2001 14:17:25
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: There is no doubt in my mind that we will go to war. What I'm wondering is if we will finish the job correctly. I am in the military and let me assure you that everyone is wanting to kick some tail. Do your part and call your state rep and congressman TELL them you demand war (or satisfaction, if you'r from the south). One thing to remember - war is not the best answere, but someins it is the ONLY answer.
K.Flood Dodge Dakota 
9/12/2001 18:33:17
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Knowing victims of this horror stunned me and put me into shock. America needs to unite even stronger than now. Its a shame it took such a horror for us to now want to do something. These heartless,cowardly B*stards better find a good place to hide because we are coming for them. Bush will do something dont worry if we need to go to war New York is all for it. Maybe we should form a DAKOTA unit and kick some ars. The rumble from the Flowmaster will send the dune coons runnin for cover. God bless america and lets kick some ars!!!!
mopar67 Dodge Dakota
9/12/2001 20:51:55
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: k flood I am already there, locked, loaded, and ready to go. Nothing better to persuade than the rack of a 12 ga loaded with 000 buckshot.
Towel head bin laden may not know it yet, but he is a dead m*therf*cker.
I say load up and head over there and kick some. We can show those sand diggers just who the h*ll. SHould there be any doubt, just ask Saddam how badly he got HIS *ss kicked.
surferpug Dodge Dakota 
9/13/2001 00:12:34
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: I must say in the past year, some I have not agreed with Bush's strategy on foreign policy. However when the time comes and I am needed by my country, I will fight. But not because i support Bush, but rather because I believe in DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM. So I am ready to join all my NATO brothers in the war against terrorism.
Doch80 Dodge Dakota 
9/13/2001 00:45:17
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: Find the old country song by Charlie Daniels "In America"... it's a different time period but it still stands...
Semper Fi
Andrew Dodge Dakota
9/13/2001 00:46:28
| RE: We will stand tall IP: Logged
Message: First let me say, my prayers go out for America tonight, for all who lost their lives, and for those left behind in the wake of yesterdays' horrible attacks. I want to keep this short, no one needs to hear me preach tonight. I couldn't sleep worth a darn on monday night, don't know why, bad feeling I guess, same thing happened Apr. '95, and during Seattle's earthquake, anyway, I woke up, turned the radio on, and I heard Vancouver Int'l Airport was shutdown, I thought "what the hell?" I turned on the T.V. switched to CNN and sat in silence as I saw the second plane slice into the north tower of the WTC, "This isn't !@#$%*'n real!!" I woke up my family and watched till the first tower fell, then the kids left for school, and I watched by myself, as the pentagon burned and the next tower fell, "God be with them, your peace upon them" that's all I could pray, I was in shock. Today, it's not any better, I keep seeing new footage. new pictures, new headlines, nOw I know, It's real! It's happened, but it's not over, not by a long shot. up here in Canada, alot of people take things for granted, it seems we never really appreciate things tillthey'retaken from us.yesteray, AMerica'speace was shatteredborders invaded by evil people who sought destruction on a large scale. Today, I value our freedom, our land and my family and friends more than I did on monday. more than that, I want to do something to ensure when I have kids of my own, they'll have the same rights as I do, the right to worship as I choose, without persecution, the right vote, freedom of speech, to keep and bear arms,etc, I'm joining the Canadian Armed Forces, and I'll gladly fight alongside my American Allies, to keep both our countries free and to ensure our children's sanctityand security. America, you know what you have to do, you will move on, by God, Just do one thing. For God, for your country, for your family and for me, a longwinded Canadian on the West Coast: find the people responsible for this, bring them out in the streets, take quick, decisive action, let them be examples to all who would try and destroy the values andfreedoms we hold so dearly, what I'm trying to say is, get the message out: DON'T F!@# WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVEST people I KNOW. You might go to war over this one, let me finish with this: may your bombs hit, may your bullets strike true, your arrows fly straight, with such surity and power, to let the nations of this world know, America will not stand for terrorism, not now, not ever, and sure as hell not in my backyard. and you have some Canadians who will backup your actions and fight alongside you, NO matter what, AMEN, And God Bless America
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