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07:23:22 - 03/12/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: Busted
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Hey all,
guess what, I got a speeding ticket!!!
41 in a 35..going through a little redneck town called in South Carolina. the ticket was $55. I thought it was like 10 or over. the funniest thing though, i felt like i was in a movie. the cop asked me where the fire was, and wanted to search my vehicle then the cop confiscated my "noevelty" Crack pipe(hanging off the rearview for 4years). this made me feel like a criminal. I got to sit in the back of a police car,and i was lectured about drugs and speeding. Its been a few days now, at first i wAS all pissed about it nut now i think its the funniest thing. (exept for the $55)

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RE: Busted
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Honestly...I think I would find that funny too (minus the $55 like you said). Some cops can be real pricks! I think the speed thing is either a rumor or differs between the in Ohio I heard a cop can't write a ticket unless your going over 7 over (due to speedometer error), but I had a friend ticketed for doing 7 over. So who knows? Gotta watch the cops in the lil "blink and you'll miss it" towns.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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Did you hear any bango's playing?

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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Speeding tickets are always up to the officer's discretion. $55 is dirt cheap for a speeding ticket!! A former co-worker of mine got a speeding ticket in Carmel (ritzy north Indianapolis Indiana suburb) for driving 31 in a 30. Why? His plates were from another county and his vehicle was "not carmel compatible". He was in an old rusted pontiac 5000. Not a vehicle the soccer mom's would drive.

Alot of officers will not give out speeding tickets in rush hour as long as you are not driving with "road rage". I saw an Indiana trooper pull over someone once for weaving in and out of traffic without using turning signal in rush hour. They immediately started doing this right after getting on the highway. Traffic was moving slow enough that they could not have been speeding. However here in Georgia, I see officers pulling speeders over in rush hour.

Technically anything over the speedlimit is speeding. But there are ways to fight it in court. Be glad it was only $55. Laws very by state. Check to see if they have a deferment program. Indiana did when I lived there. I paid my $110 ticket and never got another ticket again in the next year so I never had any points on my license. Good for keeping the insurance premiums down.

- Dan M

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RE: Busted
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Ticket prices definitely must vary by state...or something. $55 is hella expensive here for 6 over. My friend got nailed for drag racing a couple months ago (in his parent's conversion van The cop was nice and only charged him with speeding 80 in a 55 and driving left of center. Left of center was $100 and the speeding portion was $98.


Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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GB2000 whoever told you about any 7MPH rule in Ohio needs to check their sources. Perhaps there's a city there that has that rule I can't attest to that. I CAN tell you that the state troopers and county sherrifs deputy's DEFINITELY do not have any such rule in writing. This also goes for all of the local departments that I've got knowledge of.

Speeding is speeding. Chances are good that even in that little SC town you would not have gotten a ticket if it weren't for your novelty hanging in the mirror. Most cops don't decide if someone is actually getting a ticket until they perform an attitute test. That likely would have been left with a warning had you not had a blatant disregard for the law (novelty or not) in clear display inside your vehicle. That's the equivilant of having a "Here piggy piggy" bumper sticker and then being shocked and offended when you get a ticket.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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Most small town cops are pigs with reallly bad attitudes. They treat everyone like a first degree murder suspect or a member of an al qaeda cell. Though having a crack pipe in plain view does give p/c for a vehicle search, there is no fukcing way the cop saw it while the vehicle was in motion. No way.

All you had to say was small town in NC and we figured out the rest.

Dan M
Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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What justi said is a long indepth explanation of the ticket being up to the officers discretion. Some are hard nosed while most are willing to work with you and cut you some slack. Personally knowing several cops at the city , county and state level in several states most are great people just out doing their job. Alot depends on your attitude, situation and look of vehicle (bumper stickers, stuff hanging from your mirror, etc).

My ticket was driving 41 in a 35 .. 6 over, about 300 yards back was the 45mph speed limit side. I was given the ticket because people complained about speeders so the police department started doing traps and issuing citations - this according to the nice officer who handed me the ticket.

- Dan M

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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Just a guess but Justi you arent a cop, are you?
(its ok if you post just sounds like one)

Anyway, I know all to well about being target for having out of state plates. Im from Mass. Went to school in Cow (New) Hampshire. The cops used to see you driving by, pull an U-turn and then pull you over...Not even speeding, just out of state plates in a small town.

One time,however, when I was in college in NH I got bust bad. I was going about 135 in an '85 300zx I had. All of a sudden the radar detector lit up like a christmas tree! I stomped on the brakes to slow, came down a hill to a point were 2 highways merged and tried to hide on the other side of a bus as it came into traffic. The cops didnt like that. One they took me out of the car the ask "you know how fast you was going". Hell ya, this things got a turbo and no speed limiter - I was F-ing flying!! So I say "Ah, yes sir, around 89...?" "More like 95" Well I guess thats better than getting clocked at 135! Double the speed limit is an automatic must appear in court. Dang, that whole expedition ended up costing me a few grand after legal fees and fines.
Let this be a lesson to all you speeders...Buy a detector that actually warns you BEFORE you pass a cop! haha. All honestly though, dont speed - speed kills (this is part of my public service Im mandated to provide for the next 5 yrs of my life)

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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i got one for goin 68 in a 45, but i seriously don't think i was close to that, but i couldn't argue cause i wasn't paying attention to the speedo. i think i was doin maybe 60-62 at most. i think some woman called a complaint on me cause i pissed her off when i missed a gear and she got stuck goin like 30 behind a dumptruck. dumb b1tch looked at me with the "evil eye" look at the fourway before turning off and had her cellphone, so i don't know. but anyway, i was coming over a bridge and there's a point when your almost to the top that cars just seem to appear in the opposite side of the road because you can't see till you're at the top. well, i was almost to the top and the cop comes speeding over the top with his lights already going -wtf?- and by that time it was too late for me to slow up. he did a u-turn and i pulled over at the bottom of the bridge. it was my first traffic offence and he was nice about it but i still got a ticket. he told me a little more and i would've been in an excessive speed, which in alabama is 25+ over the limit. so i paid the ticket at the traffic school place and sat through four hours of hell to keep it off my driving record. now i really watch my speed, but i know almost all the normal "trap" spots around here so i can judge when to slow up. but i don't condone speeding that much, i just think some limits are underrated. there's a road around here with light traffic and four lanes with a huge grass median with a 55 limit when it should be about 65. i never go more than 5 or 10 over anymore, but i'm older now (18) and i was 16 when i used to be a bad speeder and kinda reckless and impatient. anyway, $55 is cheap. mine was $105.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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There's a stretch of Highway 64 here in Tennessee that I drive on a regular basis. It passes through 2 towns who's only source of revenue is speeding tickets. Both drop the speed limit from 55 to 45 right as you top a hill, at both city limits. Cops sit on the in-town side of the hill and wait for you to come past the 45 sign doing even 1 over. The only reason you wouldn't get a ticket for 46 in a 45 is that they were already busy with someone else or someone passed you as you passed the sign. These cops are the most polite you'll ever meet. They just want your money. "y'all come back now, ya hear?"

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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I had to learn my lesson the hard way. i had my license for 1 month,a 3000GT, and a foot full of lead. I was messing with a honda civic. after a couple of seconds i tried to pass him in a non passing lane..well the civic sped up on me so what did i do? I down that bltch into 3rd and smoked his ass!!!! soon as i got done celebrating the blue light came on.. 2 cop cars were on my ass.. after i pulled over one cop told me to step out of the car the other cop asked to search me car. too make matters worse i didn't have the o'l drivers license on my person. the cop gave me a review of all of my moving violations>> Racing,speeding(95 in a 40),failure to use turn signals,and passing in a non passing lane.... lets just say that i was lucky to have a mother as attorney who knew all the cops in the town.. all of my charges were dropped exept for the speeding(my mom felt i needed to learn a lesson) so i walked away with a $300 ticket..

mow i am older and a better driver. i still have the GT parked next to the kota, but it hasn't gone passed 70 since neither has the dak..

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RE: Busted
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BradPitt....YEEOOOWWCH! My little brother has a nice bright red 3000GT...been pulled over twice since he got his license a couple weeks ago. Once for speeding 47 in a 25 (and the lil sh@$@^! got a warning...WTF?!?!) and once for a minor traffic violation (another warning...). If he wasn't grounded from driving for life due to being caught for truancy, I'm sure it would have been a matter of time before he got drilled with charges like that.

I can't say I'm not a lead foot, but I definitely am a bit more cautious about my speed now... also got a radar detector and a cb to help me out, but there are definitely times that relying on it could have cost me some money. From the time I got my license til the time I turned 17, 6 months of that that was spent under a suspended license. Got nailed for speeding 56 in a 40 about 3 weeks after getting my license (lost it for a month), and then a month after getting it back, I got nailed for 68 in a 55 (gotta love no cruise control on a straight highway in the middle of nowhere)...lost it for 4 months then, which ended up being 5 months due to the BMV screwing me over with my fees. I'm 18 now...haven't even been pulled over since that second speeding ticket, although I have been followed multiple times due to my loud exhaust.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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I'm not a cop. I was born and raised in Ohio (in a family with a lot of cops) which is why I'm familiar with Ohio law.

I drove trucks OTR for about 5 years so believe me, I've seen my share of mean cops, and my share of fair ones. If your nice to a cop that's pulling you over (not cheesy, just nice) you'll get a tkt less than 50% of the time. If your disrespectful, act bothered, etc.. you'll get a tkt 100% of the time. Which odds would you prefer?

Oh, and I now live in NC so yeah, I know the drill with the Southern small towns too.

And one last thing about the radar detectors. Since most cops that are actually looking to write tickets use "instant on" all that radar detector actually does is tell you that you're about to get a ticket. The cops that have it on while sitting are simply trying to slow you down and be seen, which also slows you down.

Step child
Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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daddy always said "if youre gonna play, be prepared to pay".

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RE: Busted
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So very true Step child...

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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i got one in OKC, Oklahoma last year going 27 over. thankfully he didn't give me reckless drving but the ticket was 265$ or 275$. he didn't even give me a chance to talk, just wrote the ticket and i have 2 radar detectors and i watch out for those donut eaters. honestly i like cops, but i hate cops who are on traffic patrol. it's just another way for them to get tax money. My uncle is an allstate's funny that stats show people who drive 5-15 mph over the speed limit has less accidents than those who drive 5 over and less than the speed limit...but the cops damn sure will give you a ticket for doing 10 over but not 10 under...

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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yeah, they usually don't write you up for going under. i have a friend who was on the interstate and going about 45 mph. he wasn't drunk or high or nothin, just felt going slow that day because he's a dumbass. anyway, a state trooper pulled him over and told him to pick up the pace. so i guess just dont drive so slow that its suspicious.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Busted
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"it's funny that stats show people who drive 5-15 mph over the speed limit has less accidents than those who drive 5 over and less than the speed limit" I'd love to see that "study". Please post how to get to it. I've driven 500,000 miles and have seen lots of accidents, your statement contradicts everything I've seen in 27 years of driving.

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RE: Busted
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the last ticjket I got was a 94 or so MPH in a 75 on I8 just in the Arizona side.
What SUCKED was that I was NOT driving like an a$$ that time! It was new years day 2004 and we were in my Dak. We were right in the middle of I'd say close to 15 vehicles doing around 100MPH for close to 30 minutes straight! We would all pass a slower vehicle in a chain and all get back into the right lane and it was all really cool. Not too much traffic that day.

We came over this small hill and one black undercover hiway po po clocked us. Radio'd down our diescriptions to each of the dozen HIDDEN marked hiway po po's sitting under the bridge!!!!!

Well. there were a dozen of us pulled over. Had to pay well over $100 for the ticket. I tried to fight it and stated my cruise control wouldn't even let me do over 89 (which is true but i had my foot on it too) and how the heck could he accurately clock all of us at once?
But they nailed me and everyone else in that court room!

Oh, iinstant on radar will f**k you up. You are so close to the f**ker when he turns it on that you are already being CLOCKED when your detector whistles! And little hick towns will always give you a ticket when out of town. that's their bread and butter to pay them a-holes!

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RE: Busted
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yeah, they usually don't write you up for going under. i have a friend who was on the interstate and going about 45 mph. he wasn't drunk or high or nothin, just felt going slow that day because he's a dumbass. anyway, a state trooper pulled him over and told him to pick up the pace. so i guess just dont drive so slow that its suspicious.


I was told by one of the local cops that as much as they'd like to pull over/write a ticket for those [generally] older people who drive waaaay under the speed limit, they can't. Unless there's a sign posted with a minimum speed limit, there's nothing they can do. He said if they're holding up traffic really badly they will sometimes pull them over and talk to them about it, but no tickets will be issued. Now I think if they have enough reason to believe it was because they had full intentions on holding up traffic, they prolly could write a ticket for something...not sure what the charge would be.

I tell ya far as interstate driving goes, a cb is often WAAAAY more effective than a radar detector, unless there's no truckers on the highway, lol. I'm usually given at least a 1-3 mile warning when there's a trooper/Sheriff sitting there radaring in the median. Today something was going on for sure...the truckers said there were cops all over the place at one mile marker and there was a news helicopter flying over top of them...and then outside that area there were cops sitting in the median radaring. Must have been a police chase or something going on cuz when I passed one of the ones sitting there in the median, his radar never turned on.

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