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12:09:13 - 03/12/2025

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Dodge Dakota


Subject: RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
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And for those ignorant ones who have thier heads up thier a**, remember the main purpose of this and other such forums. It is to post and read others opinions of products and procedures. So, if you don't have anything positive or constuctive to contribute, go away, don't come back, enjoy the dribble of diarrhea spewing from your mouth as you hide your heads up your ass. We don't need such ignorance here. And oh yeah, if this was a "log-in" only forum, you would certainly be banned.

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Amsoil MLM Opportunity Superior Synthetic Products
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Thanks PeeDee,

Actually it is the "flamers" that keep bumping my threads to the top. Thank you gentlemen ... not for the flames and bashing ... but for keeping the Amsoil name near the top of every FORUM.

I have NEVER asked anyone to post on behalf of myself or Amsoil. I am 40 years old and own and operate four (4) businesses ... real brick and mortar commercial businesses, not including my sideline MLM businesses of Amsoil (Synthetic Lubricants and Filters) and ALTRUM (vitamins, organic fertilizer, etc.).


As for MLM's (for the record ... Amsoil is NOT Amway ... Amsoil was named after it's founder whose initials are "A.M.", therefore "A.M.'s Oil" or "Amsoil".

Well, there isn't anything wrong with this type of business or marketing, as most companies are a network of people that take the money from the bottom people who do the work and rolls it back up to the top, each level is getting their portion and usually the guy on top makes the most. This is common in any and every company. If most companies would follow such a program (performance based) you'd be surprised as to how many would really put an effort into really working instead of expecting that paycheck just for showing up.

That's the neat thing about MLM's, as it can offer the ones that work ... an unlimited amount of income based on their performance. Not everyone should be in a program such as this because many cannot focus on selling and are better suited as a production person (clock-in clock-out) and IMHO ... they DO deserve their share because if not for them there would be no product to sell. So, is MLM bad?, I don't think so. Every company is an MLM of sorts.

FOR THE RECORD, Amsoil was started 30 years ago as an MLM because they did not have the advertising budgets to compete with the "big oil guys". I'm certain that if they were starting the company today ... what with easier access to capital (Venture Capital and the Stock Market) they might do it differently. However, they can't change their stripes now ... thousands of Amsoil Independent Representatives would loose their sole income or their second income ... and who says they want to. I think Amsoil is quite happy with 5% of the market that appreciates a superior product.

Anyone interested in Requesting a FREE Amsoil Catalog can do so by clicking the following link.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

Hey ,pee wee,pee pee ,pee dee what ever the heck your name is.I didn't mean to get you so worked up.You must be feeling stupid for being so gullible .Seems you are a sucker for every new product that comes out.Hey steve you say i help keep amsoil posts at the top of the board .How about a tip from one of your big amsoil checks.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

Mopar Man wrote: I have a problem believing the crap pee dee posted.
Po' wittew mopie, he wost his bwain, he so stupid.
Seems that Mopar man has a problem with anyone who doesn't agree with his perverted logic. More precisely, everyone has a problem but him.

Mopar Man wrote: You must be feeling stupid for being so gullible
Nah, I never feel stupid, but everytime you touch yourself, you do. Corny but accurate I am sure. Also mopie, I have an IQ of 178 and belong to MENSA.

And ya think that even an illiterate like yourself could remember a name with two consanants and one vowel.
Why do I waste my time with such a arrogant fu*k like you? You are so ignorant that it is entertainment......

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

pee dee,
You are a liar.If you have an I.Q. of 178.Then I am a rocket scientist.I do not have a problem with people that have different beliefs than I do.I do have a problem with liars and I do have a problem with people that attack me because I do not buy into the amsoil is a miracle product theory.I have said before and i will say again I think amsoil is a good synthetic motor oil right behind mobil 1.They are both good motor oils but they are just that motor oil.I get sick of people making such a big deal of amsoil.It is just motor oil people.Get a LIfe.

Bg fluids
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

No amsoil at my dealership. only Bg fluids and Valvoline.
Still no amsoil stickers on nascar.

me dufas
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged


Whut en de wurld r Bg fluids ?

Neva hurd uv em .

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Amsoil Race Sponsorship NASCAR Amzoil
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I get many questions regarding, "Why don't I see Amsoil as a NASCAR SPonsor or at least a race car sponsor?

Let me start by saying that Amsoil is building their racing programs from the bottom up. Up until the early 80's, Amsoil DID act as "Corporate Sponsor" for race cars. Since the early 1980's, Amsoil did not "Corporate Sponsor" any racing events, but began to do so again three years ago.

Until recently, Amsoil had only been working with their Dealers on co-op sponsorships that they could take advantage of locally. Now, Amsoil is focusing on specialty markets first (Snowmobiling, Motorcycling, Power Boating, Jet-Skis, FourWheel, Off-Road, etc.). Amsoil is trying to get in and be as dominant in each market as they can, by being the primary sponsor of a "top racer", or promoting a racing series.


NOTE: To be the primary sponsor of one of the top cars in the NHRA will cost several million dollars. For NASCAR the figure is 15-18 million dollars ($15,000,000 to $18,000,000, *** This figure is a couple of years old and I think the dollar amount is higher now.) Specialty Suppliers can not afford to sponsor NASCAR.


Amsoil constantly evaluates contingency programs, but have not made a strategic decision regarding as to what markets would actually produce value.

Amsoil has a full time race director now, John Schuldt, and in the coming year or two they are planning on continuing to expand their racing efforts. Where that expansion of Amsoil's efforts will focus on remains to be determined. Amsoil will slowly grow it in the areas that produce results.

Participating in racing makes one feel good, but the trick is to make it pay off with increased sales. Amsoil could offer free oil and a lot of money for maximum exposure in racing, but it would not necessarily translate into a surefire way to increase sales. Amsoil is confident that they now have the distribution programs that can take advantage of a very carefully orchestrated racing program, and will proceed to make that happen.


Look for Amsoil Corporate Sponsorships at the following events:

Supercross Racing, Motocross Racing, Snocross Racing, Powerboat Racing, Motorcycle Racing, Dirt, Track Racing, Off-Road Racing, Jet Ski Racing, Monster Truck Events

__________ __________


I do know for a FACT ... Cale Yarborough Motorsports, the NASCAR team spearheaded by the legendary racer, uses AMSOIL Series 2000 Synthetic 0W-30 Motor Oil to qualify. I saw it first hand in 1996. Now I'm married and don't go to the tracks often.

Other NASCAR Amsoil Series 2000 Synthetic Oil users:

Bonicelli Racing Racks up NASCAR Wins with AMSOIL

Bonicelli Racing Enterprises is comprising an impressive record among the NASCAR Featherlite Southwest Circuit. Mike Bonicelli, owner of the team, refuses to use any other brand of oil.

"I own NASCAR race teams and a car dealership in Colorado Springs," said Bonicelli. "I have been a long time user of AMSOIL products in both enterprises. AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are required items for my late model race cars and the tow vehicles hauling these cars. My service department at the dealership is required to feature and use AMSOIL products. From dependable, high speed lubricants to hand cleaner, we rely on AMSOIL to get the job done."
Doug Klein

Hometown: Fairview Heights, IL
2001 Pontiac Grand Prix
Engine: 358ci General Motors

Career Highlights:

- American Speed Assoc. 1979-1985
- ASA Most Improved Driver
- Dirt Modifieds 1986-1991
- NASCAR Winston Racing, Re/Max Challenge Series, Indiana Late Models 1991-Present

_____ _____


RANCHO CORDOVA, CALIFORNIA – Ray Teegarden is Vice President of Sales for the largest retailer and distributor of racing gasoline in the West. Ray tells us that Amsoil Series 2000 Synthetic 0W-30 Motor Oil in particular has become a favorite in the racing world for its ability to boost horsepower without sacrificing engine protection.

Owner Gene Monaco and Driver Kevin Richards are using AMSOIL Series 2000 0W-30 and 20W-50 in their NASCAR Southwest Tour race car. The Chevrolet 358 c.i. engine has a 9:1 compression and holds 18 quarts of oil in the dry sump pump system. They alternate with Series 2000 0W-30 most of the time along with 20W-50 for more extreme engine protection.

"It's common for drivers to qualify their cars for races with low viscosity oils because low viscosity oils give the most horsepower,"

"Most drivers use a higher viscosity oil during races for better engine protection in grueling conditions. Amsoil Series 2000 Synthetic 0W-30, a power-promoting low viscosity oil, has proven so effective against engine wear, racers use it in races as well as in qualifying heats. That level of engine protection is unique to Series 2000."

"AMSOIL Series 2000 products are the biggest revolution in racing in the past 15 years. In fact, this oil protects so well, some drivers continue using it after a race. "We've been able to run the Amsoil Series 2000 for three consecutive races instead of changing oil after every race," said Monaco.

With serious racers on the NASCAR circuit using AMSOIL Series 2000 Synthetic Motor Oil, and top engine builders around the country recommending it for the engines, the word is really getting out.


Cinjo Racing

Michigan-based Cinjo Racing Team competes in the American Race Truck Series (ARTS). ARTS is based out of Phoenix, AZ but sanctions racing across the country. The trucks are very similar to those in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Cinjo is also connected to the prestigious Roush Industries of NASCAR fame. John Neece from Cinjo calls AMSOIL, "The recognized leader in synthetic engine oils, automatic transmission fluids, and rear axle lubricants for high performance applications."


... and I will close with this little story:

Corvette Fever Magazine
Subject: Article in Corvette Fever magazine 9/99

AMSOIL Boosts Horsepower

AMSOIL synthetic motor oils increase horsepower and torque, and that fact’s been made public by Corvette Fever. The September issues features a five-step program to boost the horsepower of the C5 Corvette by 40 HP. “Step four,” writes Corvette Fever, “involves a simple oil change. The Vinci Hi Performance dyno shows several free horsepower by using AMSOIL Series 2000 synthetic lubricant.” The magazine pictures Series 2000 Synthetic 20W-50 Racing Oil, the AMSOIL SDF Oil Filter and AMSOIL Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid.

Vinci Hi-Performance, has been modifying performance cars for over 30 years. Vinci Hi-Performance specializes in late model Corvettes, Camaros, Trans-Ams, Suburbans and Vipers.

No Matter what type of vehicle VHP performs modifications on, or what type of performance package they install, every performance package receives one group of basic ingredients: AMSOIL Series 2000 Motor Oil, AMSOIL Transmission Fluid and Gear Lube, AMSOIL Super Duty Oil Filter and 2-Stage Air Filter.

Roger Vinci was a Valvoline dealer using their DuraBlend Motor Oil. Roger has always recognized the advantages of using synthetic oil in racing but always believed that synthetic oil leaked or contributed to a loss of oil pressure. The only way he would consider becoming an AMSOIL account was to prove it to himself by installing AMSOIL in his personal Corvette and running the car on the dynamometer. He installed Series 2000 0W-30 in his personal ZR-1 Corvette.

After switching to AMSOIL Series 2000 0W-30 and a Super Duty Oil Filter, he immediately noticed the piston slap noise was cut in half and the lifter noise was 100 percent gone. He was also very surprised by the lower oil temperature and an increase in oil pressure!

The ZR-1 was then put on the Dyno. The results: A three horse power gain over the Valvoline DuraBlend, plus another eight horsepower by switching the K&N Air Filter out for an AMSOIL 2-Stage Air Filter. That’s an extra eleven horsepower!

If you would like to REQUEST a FREE Amsoil Catalog click on the following link:

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

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Amsoil Official Sponsor of Race Events --- Amzoil
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_____ The "OFFICIAL OIL" of .....







Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

Bg fluids,
I will answer your question about no amsoil in nascar without all the mind numbing lenthy posts.Amsoil can not afford to go big time racing.Due to thier old fashioned amway type business procedures.Instead of marketing their product better and reaching more markets they prefer to go small time and make a few people like steve rich.If you want a good synthetic oil try Mobil 1 the official oil of nascar.

Be a Dealer
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged


Hey mr. mopar_man,

Why don't you become an amsoil dealer? You would probably
do well with it due to your "speaking" ability.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

be a dealer,
Thanks but no thanks.I am sold on mobil 1.I just don't understand why so many people like amsoil better.It baffles me I compared both and I got better results with Mobil 1.

Dr. D
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

Mopar_ Man,
If Mobil1 works for you then stick with it.

AutoZone has a 5 qt. Mobil1 special going on right now that
includes a Mobil1 filter for $29.95 ...... Go getcha some !

But for me I have never found anything that comes close to
AMSOIL in quality, performance and savings.

Dr. D

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

mopar_man the answer is this. Steve pushes this stuff and the little butt licking cronies that hang out here defending and battling everyone that disagrees with ANYTHING anyone says that doesn't make amsoil look great gets beaten down.

Just accept the fact that these little cheerleading sissies would rather live in denial and suck up to the dealer in hopes to fulfil there pathetic goal in life in taking place in the monster MLM company. It's sad but true.

Later, EyeTrip

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged


Look at you. Hijacking Steve's old nemisis Eyetrip's name and posting. What in the heck is that for? I don't believe the Ams-guy pushes anything. Mostly I see him answering questions. Of course he is going to talk about his product. It's called advertising and marketing, and he pays for the priviledge of doing so. I would only be annoyed if he were doing this and he were not an advertiser for this site. To quote someone else, lead, follow, or stay out of the way FLAMER.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

eye trip,
Glad to see you are back.You are one of the few that has the kahuna's think outside the amsoil box.

whoo whoo
Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged


I think mopar_man, EyeTrip, EyeDrip, EyeRip, and Eye$hit are one and the same. Maybe mopar_man is Dr. D. and Prospector. Maybe mopar_man is me dufas and Bg fluids also. Maybe mopar_man is the Amsoil dude flaming himself to keep the dialogue going. Hmmmmm, now there is a thought! Maybe I am mopar_man! whoo whoo

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

Mopar boy doesn't believe anything that doesn't fit into his logic of the universe (ya know... the one that revolves around him). Truth, logic or reason doesn't stick to sh*t I guess. I only continued this for it's entertainment value of watching him spew his illogical rants, misquote and miss the meaning and/or intent of others posts and be so close minded to others opinions, all of which expose the ignorance that drives his perverted reason. Again, mopar man misses the point. That these forums are for those seeking an opinion of matters relating to Dodge Dakotas. I posted my opinion to help others make an informed decision on thier own. I posted my experiences to the best of my knowledge. And if he had the ability of comprehension and wasn't so angry with the world, the meaning and intent would not be misconstrued. But, it seems that sanity eludes him. The posts of mopar man and those like him only work to discourage others from seeking honest opinions here. So, with that in mind, I will forfeit the entertainment value and ignore the jerks after this post. Poor mopar man can't handle the truth. Oh yeah, mopar man, you don't belive it. Well, I do have an I.Q. of 178. The last time it was tested, was in Providence, RI, approximately two years ago, for the MENSA eligibility. I am a certified auto technician (1973), a certified HVAC technician (1989), a licensed master refrigeration technician (1992), a certified cold absorbtion machine master technician (1992), a tech class amateur radio operator (1990), I hold a masters of Business Administration (UMASS-1984), a 4 year degree in mechanical engineering (UMASS-1987), I am the Facilities supervisor for the University of Massachusetts, I publish articles in The Standard Times, the Washington Post, and the NY Times at various times during congressional and legislative debates of a constitutional nature. For that subject, I have appeared on 60 Minutes and Dateline . I know you don't believe it.... cause you are you, and it must really suck to be you. But you wouldn't know that, because you are stupid..... Oh yeah, and I was an Amway distributor a long time ago. The two do not compare, and if they did, so what... This is the land of capitalism and free enterprise. To Quote on old Amway recruting line, "We as humans are the only species to possess the ability to change the environment in which we live." If you don't like your environment mopar man, change it. Just don't try to change this one. It doesn't belong to you.... It belongs to those who treat it for it's intended purpose. The best change you could make to this environment would be to absent yourself.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged


You guys busted me!!!

Whaaaa Whaa!!

Me pee(dee) in my diaper!!!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Amsoil Crap! lol
IP: Logged

peedee your pretty full of yourself aint ya.

Later, EyeTrip

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