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12:00:39 - 03/12/2025

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Subject: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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This is a long post but if your concerned with better MPG, and wouldn't mind spending $2.87 to try, it's worth reading. The first 20+/- fillups of my truck I averaged somewhere around 14.67MPG (Highway & City). Sometime 13.XX MPGs. I was filling up with 18Gallons of gas (holds 24), and getting around 260MPG.This is all with a single flowmaster muffler, Y pipe, and dual 2.5" pipes. Coming from driving a 5.7L and getting better gas mileage than this, I was concerned. So I decided to pick up an orange bottle of "STP Octane Booster" (also cleans your entire fuel system). This was at around 5000miles on the truck and my driving habits are a little aggressive (Out of a tank, half of the time I use 3rd, and 2nd gear while passing at cruising speeds and sometimes i get off of the line at around 3500RPMS). I also usually do half of the tank on the highway and the other half city driving. But anyways, after trying this I noticed an immediate IMPROVEMENT IN POWER AND MPG. Meaning going up the hills in Missouri I didn't have to use 4th or 3rd most of the time like I had to before. Since then, I have used this stuff 5 times and every time I have gone from 14.67MPH AVERAGE to 16.XX MPG. Doing simple math, 2MPG x 1.97 = $3.94. Basically I now average 300Miles a tank before I fillup and I even strected it more one day where I filled up at 321M and the low fuel light didn't come on. Keep in mind I have never driven my truck until this light has illuminated. I don't know if this is just due to the fact that my truck is breaking in (6600M now), or if it really works. It's definately worth a shot though considering I see more power up/down hills, and I get a whole lot better gas mileage just from a bottle. I just put on my new intake this week so I will let you know what the MPG is soon.

2004 4.7L AWD 5-Speed Auto Quad Cab,
K & N Homebrew Intake, Flowmaster Delta Flow 40 Series, Zaino Wax, Infinity Basslink Subwoofer

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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I think your math is little off from the get go. I have never heard of a bottle of Octane Booster increasing your mileage 2 mpg. Now here's a proven tip that does work. It will increase your mileage and power. It's called indexing your spark plugs. You should see .5 to 3/4 of a mpg over what you have now. YOu have to get some index washers and point the open end of the spark plug towards the incoming air coming from your intake manifold. By having the curve tip pointing down, the spark plug acts as a shadow as it ignites. You can pick up 8-12HP by doing this. For a truck that has 5,000 miles on it and seeing how you have most definitely broke it in with your 3500 rpm take's most likely your computer adjusting to your better driving habits. It's amazing your mileage increases as you become softer on the pedal. Do some more mileage tests and get back with us on your results. YOu'll find out.........your foot was the problem all along. Later dude.

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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then wonders, whats that smell??? the BS meter????

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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Yea you're right, I have no F***ing idea what I'm talking about. I know my original post sounds extreme, but I have been saving the gas reciepts since I bought my truck and for the last 5 fillups, this is what I saw. I also have had the same driving habits since 19+ YRS Old. And another thing, do you think that I'm too stupid to not go out and find out what my redline is?

My Math??? I'm not even going to waste my time with ignorate people like yourself. Do you want me to scan my gas receipts and send them to you personally? Do you really think I work for STP and am trying to get a raise over one bottle? You know the first thing that the military trained me to have was integrity. I wouldn't post something that was complete B/S and something that I haven't fully tested? I have pictures of all of my other mods that work, what do you want me to do next? Take a picture of me pouring this stuff into my tank flipping you the bird? Heres some more math for you: Go down to a porn studio and apply for a fluffer position or go out and make an A in math class for your parents or use your school lunch money. Then take that money and subtract $2.87 from that and try this stuff. You won't have anything to lose considering you will only benefit from trying it.

2004 4.7L AWD 5-Speed Auto Quad Cab,
K & N Homebrew Intake, Flowmaster Delta Flow 40 Series, Zaino Wax, Infinity Basslink Subwoofer

Dodge Dakota


STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
IP: Logged

Dude, sorry to hit a nerve with you. Your redline should be around 5,000-5500rpms......far from your 3500rpm take offs.......which is probably a great drag race take off. Most definitely not a very great choice for trying to conserve gas if mileage is a concern. Your engine is still tight from the factory so 6600 miles is not very much compared to say 75,000 where your engine might be looser and see a mileage increase. I'm not flaming you by any means, but the bottom line is if your seeing 2mpg from a bottle of STP, then why are you the only 1 in this world right now, claiming a 2mpg increase versus 1,000's of other satisfied customers. Have a great day and work on that temper of yours, it's going to get you in trouble one day.

Temp Change?
Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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Did the mileage change just happen to correspond with the warming temperatures of summer?

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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My first post said I usually get off of the line (stoplight to stoplight) up to 3500RPM. Then because someone decided to get cute, I stated in my second post that I have hit my redline which is 6000RPM's. Also no my mileage increase wasn't due to an increase in temperature. I purchased my truck 26Mar2004 and since then the weather hasn't changed much. Sorry for the confusion.

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
IP: Logged

Is this the new reformulated stuff that they are marketing in there orange bottles, With the tag that says "now with Jet Fuel"??

Dodge Dakota


STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
IP: Logged

Big Pitty......Your starting to amaze me and everyone else on this board. Why don't I just cut you a check for $1,000,000 million dollars. This way you can reap the benefits of being the 1st person in automotive history to gain 2mpg from a bottle of STP fuel injection cleaner. Your mileage never went up, you just fudged the numbers in your mind to think you gained 2mpg...Or a believable answer to your info would be you were softer on the gas pedal. Why don't we end this thread so you don't have everyone out there rushing out to the auto parts counter to buy 20 bottles at a time of STP fuel injection cleaner.

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RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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Big Pitty - didn't I see you make the same claim on another thread about not using 4th or 3rd going up hill but saying it was due to air intake changes you had made ? Pitty you can't seem to make up your mind about what is causing this. Why mislead people if you don't really know ? The differences you claim to see could well be just due to the engine breaking in; as you also guessed in the first post to this thread. I had a Harley that went from 30mpg to 40 mpg once it broke in.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way

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RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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I am interested in your results. Just ignore the flak from others. Please keep me posted.

Forum Moderator
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RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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As engines break in the rings seat better and your MPG improves. Octane booster claims 2 or 3 points increase in octane. That is true but its misleading. WHen you get 93 octane and put in octane booster you dont get 96 octane, you get 93.3 octane depending on the size of your tank. YOu can find the octane of toluene and xylene and do a simple material balance and find this to be true. I havent looked it up in years but I believe toluene is about 118 octane and xylene is 110ish

-Mark Hryckiewicz
1993 Sport RC SB 5.2L Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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It's absolutely impossible for you to measure your mileage to the degree you claim.

Your numbers are meaningless because it can't be done. If you're going by your trip, odo or OHC, they have a 10%MOE built in. Your test is meaningless and your numbers mean nothing.

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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Ocatane determines the level of preignition..... it does not improve fuel economy... the lower the octane level, the HOTTER and FASTER the explosion, therefore, the lower your octane level, the better your power from fuel, the more power your engine derives... basically, the lower the octane rating, the more energy it creates...Thats why ferrari's, lamborghini's and vettes have to run high grade, since their engines are much more intricate, requiring a more controled slow explosion to prevent the "spark knock" I've run midgrade which would be the same as adding an octane booster, and it destroyed my Cataylic converter...

BTW, acording to your factors, the stuff costs 2.87, and applied to 18 gallons of gas, that would be .16 cents per gallon, more than the cost of buying the midgrade at the pump...

Not trying to knock it, maybe this stuff did it, but there would be so many other factors that could've attributed to what was already stated...warmer weather, better seated rings and bearings, difference in humidity, driving style, etc..... Driving style is the biggest factor... believe it or not, I have an R/T and have been averaging 19MPG since the fuel crisis started, as I coast most of my driving, IF I drive carelessly, and am on thegas alot, then I get about 16-17.....

Hell, if it worked, keep running it, and I'd say to check the ingredients... maybe it doesn't change the octane level but adds other stuff it icrease combustion... it could just be the way they market it.... IF you think octane level improves economy, run a tank of premium, and record your mileage with that, you'll see what I mean...

Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
IP: Logged

"Did the mileage change just happen to correspond with the warming temperatures of summer?"

That's what I was thinking. I have made absolutely no mods in my car this year, have not changed my driving style at all (which is all highway commuting and very consistent), and here are my monthly averages this year:

Jan 32.2
Feb 33.8
Mar 34.1
Apr 35.4
May 35.6

I live in MA, so the warm temperatures have just kicked in. Hey, look! I just raised my gas mileage by 3.4 mpg! It must be the new sunglasses I bought!

He he.

Bob Lincoln
Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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By the way, those numbers are for my Daytona 4-cyl. I drive that 23K miles a year, and my Dakota only 5K.

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Amsoil vs. STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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Fuel economy (MPG) can be very difficult for the consumer to accurately gauge. If you fill up at a warmer (or colder) part of the day one week compared to the previous week you can sometimes see a huge fluctuation in MPG just based on that.

Also, the pump may have stopped pumping sooner this week compared to last, making it "seem" like you used less (or more) gallons of fuel.

Also, ... "Winter" fuels are made to reduce emissions, and vehicles will get lower MPG using Winter fuels. Using "Summer" fuels will therefore show higher MPG. __________________________________________________

Most production street vehicles, even high performance ones, are not going to benefit from anything higher than the recommended octane.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

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Amsoil vs. STP Octane Booster, Amzoil, Ams Oil
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To back up Mark, Site Owner and Forum Moderator

FYI - OCTANE Discussion - since we are talking gas and MPG.

Octane rating is a measure of the fuel's resistance to pre-ignition. High-octane is specified by manufacturers when the engine requires it. High compression, high temps, or turbo engines will do better with high octane due to its slower burn rate.

Basically, the numbers you see at the pumps only indicate the anti-knock index of the fuel. It is measured using RON + MON and the divided by 2 (R+M)/2. In short, RON (Research Octane Number) measures the fuel's anti-knock index simulating light load, typical street, normal driving conditions. MON (Motor Octane Number) measures the fuel's anti-knock index simulating high-speed, high load conditions.

They used to post the RON and MON octane numbers in small print on the Sunoco pumps but I haven't noticed this lately.

Run what your owners mauual specifies. Put the high-octane in an engine designed for 87 and you have incomplete combustion ... and a waste of 20 cents per gallon.

Which leads us to - "Octane Boosters"

Most "Octane Boosters" use the phrase "up to", as in "raises" the Octane Level "up to" 10 points ... so you may only go up between 1-9 points, and maybe 10.


a "point" is --- (unfortunately) ... just "a decimal point".


"10 points" ... brings you from 93 octane to 94
"5 points" .... brings you from 93 octane to 93.5
"1 point" ..... brings you from 93 octane to 93.1

For this reason, I am not a big fan of the products except for qualifying runs and actual racing events.

Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
IP: Logged

In your last post you said
"If you're going by your trip, odo or OHC, they have a 10%MOE built in. Your test is meaningless and your numbers mean nothing."

I was just wondering what the 10% MOE meant

Dodge Dakota


RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
IP: Logged

Some YO-YO's....
Don't worry Bigpitty
Someday they will get it ......
Octane probably has nothing whatsoever to do with this , Or warmer temp's....
Some engines in particular just LIKE certain
"additives ".
Just keep on reaping the benefits for as long as it does IT............

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RE: STP Octane Booster Gave Me 2MPG
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Yes, some day we'll get it - maybe if we all end up with head injuries ! You can't change multiple things (fuel treatment and air intakes) and then claim each is responsible for something. That is bad science. Of course, you'll always find people who believe just because they want so badly to believe something - that seems to be what we have here. P.T. Barnum would have loved some of you...

Lead, follow, or get out of the way

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