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RMLJ Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
9/19/2003 09:05:15
Subject: RE: J Lethal IP: Logged
Message: J Lethal, I have just read your post, and I will be praying for you. God IS real, Jesus IS the Son of God, and DID die on a cross for our sins.
Whether you agree or not, you came into this world and was created by no other than God.
He creates us with a very powerful ability, that of freedom to do and become whatever we wish.
Life is really like a big exam, but we have the freedom to pass or fail, to believe or not.
God will also tweak our lives, sometimes you'll know he's doing that, sometimes you won't. He does that for many reasons, some which we may never know, but sometimes, to help us, to strengthen us, sometimes to teach us a lesson.
In the end...... Jesus will let you know what you scored and where you go from there.
I will pray that one day, hopefully soon, and definitely before you leave this world, that you will open your heart and mind, and discover how real our God is.
Have you really given serious thought and tried to answer the question of how this universe got here...?? you don't really think that suddenly, there was a huge mass that went "bang" do you ?? if so, how did that mass get there ? where did it come from ? what created it ? perhaps God ? Maybe there is something to the big bang theory, and we can't deny the bones of past animals, right ? Well maybe God had some fun while creating this world, after all, he created Adam and Eve, the first humans, for his pleasure. And that pleasure did not have anything to do with anything evil or nasty. You might say, God is into gaming.... like many of us that enjoy video games and such, God must be one awesome gamer.
I think it's pretty cool that we could think of ourselves as being in a game, but we actually have the power to level up in major ways, and score some sweet bonuses, and in the end, if we played a good game, we'll be hooking up with an eternal pass to the best future imaginable.
It's not too late for you to change your game path in life. You can still level up and score some major points and learn new skills.
Believing is the first step, and after that, the rewards you will reap in Heaven will be according to your high score.
I pray you will find peace and happiness, and discover who the true King of Kings is, and adjust your life so you will reap the good things the Lord has in store for those who believe and follow the path he desires us to follow.
May the Lord reveal himself to you, my brother.
Happy hunting and Good gaming, with love,
from someone who's concerned and cares about you.
p.s. I know this post is a few months late, just hope you get the msg.
p.s.s. RMLJ - stands for Real Men Love Jesus, I proudly display that on my truck.
metoo Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
9/19/2003 11:53:33
| RE: J Lethal IP: Logged
Message: On my truck I have PETA (People eating tasty animals)
bman42 Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
9/19/2003 12:51:23
| RE: J Lethal IP: Logged
Message: hee hee, mine says "drive it like you stole it"
chesire Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
9/19/2003 13:06:17
| RE: J Lethal IP: Logged
Message: my truck has the following: " salmon- the other pink meat" and " i love cats, they taste just like chicken"
dakotapirate Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
10/08/2003 03:54:01
| RE: J Lethal IP: Logged
Message: rmlj--God put us on earth to love and worship him, right? So how come corinthians says love is patient kind and NOT SELF SERVING??? Think about that before you critisize other people for what they believe, you only become what you condemn. And how do u know they dont belive in god--just another judgement. The bible says to be "in the world, not of the world" The world says those words are bad. How do u know Fu#k is a bad word? huh? does the bible say that? No. It just talkes about not being offensive to ur brethren. So in your bible fact, Jesus cussed out the pharisees. I'm sure they didn't like being called a "pit of vipers". Look what the bible says. Not what some preacher says to you is the truth.
RMLJ Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
10/08/2003 08:57:16
| RE: dakotapirate IP: Logged
Message: Where in my message did I criticize anyone ? Nowhere... In fact, I did not condemn anyone, I just stated that I would be praying for this individual, and hope that they would find the true meaning of what our God intends for us. I didn't say anything about the language they used in their post, I did not put them down at all in anyway. You are the one guilty of judging me, and making it seem as if I was attacking and accusing them of things. You should re-read my post....VERY carefully. Be careful how you judge others. God takes that very serious, for He is the only one that can judge our actions and thoughts. I normally don't bother people about what they believe in, or intrude on their lives. I only sent that post, because I felt MOVED by my God to do so. I was only following what the Lord put in my heart and mind, so you see, I feel very good about doing that, and honored that I was chosen to send that message. Our Lord in Heaven has done this countless times throughout history. Messages, even from God, are not always pain free, and humans are not perfect, so there is a good chance that a message might cause hurt or misunderstanding. Yes, God put us here to Love and Worship, but also put us here for many other reasons. One of them is to Preach to others and tell the World how Great HE is. One of Jesus instructions to his disciples was to spread the word for all humans to hear that God is real. That's what I was doing. This not only includes preaching to non believers, but to believers as well. I felt the Lord wanted my message to be seen by others besides this one individual, and I'm quite happy to see this has happened. :) You will find no where in my post, where I accused anyone of being a non believer, only that I hope they would find good things in store for them from God. My statement about hoping they would discover how Real God is, was intended to let this person know that God, in fact, is real, just in case they might have doubts. There are many people that even though they might believe God exists, might, from time to time, have doubts. Sometimes people need reassuring from others that their doubts should be reconsidered. I was trying to reassure this person that God is definitely real. I have no idea what your loud proclomation to me about "SELF SERVING" means. ?? Please explain to me how my message was self serving ??? Would you say the same thing if someone saw that you was about to step on a land mine, and they tried to get your attention to that matter ? I guess using your "message" you should be left alone, and people should assume you know what you are doing, and if you blow yourself up, oh well... at least you had the freedom to step on the land mine, even though you might not have seen it there, and probably would have appreciated someone stepping forward and trying to open your eyes to the warning signs. Your response is full of aggressive attack against me for things that you have decided I'm wrong at. You are contradicting yourself. You talk about "bad" words not thinking they are bad, then you say the Bible tells us not to offend our Brethren.... So if you say a bad word and it offends someone, but you shouldn't offend someone... huh ?? Which is it? Did I say anything in my post about any bad words that were said ? No. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and that is why postings like this exist. J Lethal was only voicing his/her opinion, I was only voicing mine, and you as well. You attack me for "condemning" someone (which I didn't), but I find it quite humorous that you are more guilty of that than me ! I'm not sure why you are so angry at what I've tried to do. I wonder what God thinks of our postings ?? Who do you think he would be smiling at and who do you think he will be saddened for ? I will also pray for you, as I feel there is anger and resentment from you towards me. Love and Peace to you Brother. God works miracles, I hope you receive many blessings and that you reap the rewards that God has in store for you.
RMLJ Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
10/08/2003 09:09:35
| RE: dakotapirate IP: Logged
Message: I just re-read jlethal's post, since I had not done that when I responded to your post. I can't believe you would defend someone's use of a "bad" word, when you can clearly see that person's use of other VERY bad and distasteful attacks on God himself ! Do you honestly believe that God appreciated the ugly use of of a sexual "flipping off" towards him ? What jumps out at me, is your statement about the Bible saying we shouldn't offend our "brethren". I believe J Lethal's sexual message to God, will be taken as quite offensive by God, as well as any true Christian reading that. Are you saying my post was MORE offensive than J Lethal's ??? If so, I need to pray even harder for you. I hope you have a bright shiny day today, dakotapirate.
RMLJ Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
10/08/2003 09:34:47
| RE: dakotapirate IP: Logged
Message: I'm sorry, I keep finding more things to say about your post. You contradict yourself several times, I feel the need to point that out. You tell me that I should not listen to what Preachers are saying, but I should listen to what the Bible says. Are you now attacking Churches ? Are you saying we should just quit going to church ? If we quit listening to Preachers, then what should we do when we're in Church ? Did you know, that Preachers USE the Bible for their sermons ? Let me break it down this way for you. The Bible was written by people. Preachers are people. The people who wrote the Bible were led by God to write what they did. Preachers are led by God to preach their sermons. You see ? It's all coming from God. The Bible was written a long time ago, when the World was a much different place. We need Preachers to help us understand how the Lord's word should be interpreted in today's society, as well as any new messages the Lord might want us to know about. I'm sorry, I have faith my Lord, and I believe Preachers should be listened to. Unfortunately, some people calling themselves "preacher" are not right with the Lord, so yes, we do have to be very careful what we hear from people, that is why it is very important to pray and ask the Lord to guide us and help us through life on our own, besides listening to others.
As for your comment about Jesus saying bad words to the Pharasis. He was doing that because he was angry about the sins they were guilty of. They were doing bad things, against God's word. When I read J Letha's post, I felt the same anger. This person was saying very bad things against God and the BIBLE (which is something you seem to defend, but have no concern that this person was attacking the Bible). I feel that God was working through me, just as he probably did in Jesus, to let everyone know that this is not right. Jesus made it very plain they should be ashamed of their ways. I did not use any direct aggressive attack methods, but tried to be polite and general in my response. I did not use bad language. You seem to defend this person's use of bad language, by justifying it because Jesus supposedly used bad language. But we're talking about completely opposite situations here. Jesus was angry because of people sinning. J Lethal doesn't have that justification. He/she was using bad language AGAINST God !! Very different reasons, complete opposite.
jlmr Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
10/08/2003 10:04:46
| RE: J Lethal IP: Logged
Message: So, RMLJ, what do you think of the tornado fuel saver?
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