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AmsoilSponsor DakotaEnthusiast

4/08/2004 22:36:11
Subject: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
This was posted by Sephiroth 3/20/2004
V8 Forum --- Subject: New Chrysler Product?!
Message posted by Sephiroth:
"I went in to have my brakes checked today, and when I walked into the garage the first thing I saw made my jaw hit the floor. My local dealership now uses and sells AMSOIL products!! They've got it posted on a big banner over the service-desks. GM may not have been able to get it for their 'vettes, but obviously Dodge was able to, or they found out how awesome it is and started buying at regular price! When I go in for a tranny-filter, fluid, and gasket change next week, it's getting filled with AMS."
Sephiroth went on to state:
"This is at the Raleigh, NC dealership, Al Smith Buick, Dodge, Mazda. I told the guy at the desk I was astounded to see them using AMSOIL and that I had been using it for a while now. After he rode in the truck he said he'd be switching next oil-change in his Ram.
As for me, I've got it in the engine, and I'll have it in the tranny soon! Next up are the differentials. After that I need to get a dyno just for curiosity's sake. IF I get 3-5hp form the differential, and God knows how much from the engine and tranny, that'll be enough without any heavy mods. Well, for all I do anyway. If it is a significant gain, I'll post the results."
... and as part of the same thread jeremiah2360 stated:
"Norwood (MA) Dodge sells Amsoil too."
Dodge Dealerships are beginning to realize that Amsoil offers a FULL LINE of SUPERIOR Premium Synthetic Lubricants and Dodge Dealerships are beginning to offer Amsoil.
Why ...
1) Dodge knows Amsoil meets AND exceeds Dodge's requirements.
2) Because their customers are asking for Amsoil.
3) Amsoil = 30 Year History of Research and Development
4) Amsoil offers the best Synthetic Lubricants
It is still less costly to DIY !!!
Especially as an Amsoil Preferred Customer whereby you can order at Dealer Wholesale Prices!
You can Request a FREE Amsoil Catalog below.
Steven Roark , Amsoil Dealer , Proud Sponsor of
AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils, Lubricants, Filtration, and Truck Care Products
uh Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2004 22:00:01
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
It is still less costly to DIY !!!
really?? it cost over 30 bucks to diy with your stuff, steeler only wants 24.95 and he disposes of the old oil in an environmentally save manner, not in the garbage can or on the groung out behind the barn. this is not a point to argue as I know way too many guys that do it that way. and will continue to do it that way NO MATTER WHAT.
When and only When my vehicle comes off the line with your stuff in it will I consider using it. Since it came with Mobil 1 that what is always going in it.
There is a reason that D/C, F and GM don't use it.
Just because a dealer sells it don't mean its good, after all D/C used to sell Volare, the most recalled vehicle ever built. And GM sold Vega, most twisted engine and Fiero, portable barbecue and Ford sold Pinto, crispie critters, so don't say it is good "because a dealer sells it"
The say you can't BS a BSr, well Steve I am the biggest BSr you are ever gonna run across, and you ain't BSin me!
Justi Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2004 22:17:54
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: I don't care one way or the other, but "uh", you may be a BS'er, but you're also great at shooting yourself in the foot. You proudly proclaim that "When and only When my vehicle comes off the line with your stuff in it will I consider using it. Since it came with Mobil 1 that what is always going in it".
You THEN go on to claim: "Just because a dealer sells it don't mean its good, after all D/C used to sell Volare, the most recalled vehicle ever built. And GM sold Vega, most twisted engine and Fiero, portable barbecue and Ford sold Pinto, crispie critters, so don't say it is good "because a dealer sells it"".
So you can say that you will only use what the dealer puts in it because you trust them and their decisions, or you can say that you don't trust jack a dealer/manufacturer does, but both in the same sentence? Uh, keep to BSin' if you claim to be good at it cause you sure do suck at arguing..
Luke Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2004 22:38:24
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: I just got the ATF and 10w-30 to put in my truck. with in a few weeks I will do the Dif and the both gearbox's in my 4x4. Amsoil is the BEST oil made hands down. It is cheaper to DIY with amsoil becauses you do not have to change the oil as often, THAT IS A FACT!!!!!
Luke Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/09/2004 22:41:16
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: Sorry I meant T case and Dif/gearbox.
Howard Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/10/2004 07:31:16
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Well BS'er you ain't too bright are you. In fact, You dumb!
Steve (Amsoil Sponsor) was referring to the fact that it is cheaper to DIY with Amsoil than to have the Dealer change your fluids using Amsoil.
When you begin to flame the dealers for selling inferior cars ... well they had no choice. But when it comes to oils and lubes ... they have a choice. And it looks like they have chosen Amsoil.
How about that for an education BS'er?
Howard Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/10/2004 07:50:23
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Justi, I just read your comments. BS'er pissed me off with his ignorance so bad that I posted before I read them all. You are right. In one statement he says he only trusts manufacturers and dealers and in the next he says he does not. I wish I could have debated him in my college debate class. I would have gotten an A. Ha Ha
HH Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/10/2004 08:13:20
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
uh or bs'er (you seem to have two names)
You seem to be saying that if Amsoil were really great, it would be a factory fill, and you do not even realize that factory fill oils are overated at best, they are provided almost free to the factory and more importantly some companies now actually PAY the automakers to be factory fill and in their manuals, etc.
Being factory fill has zero to do with quality.
It is a low bid issue.
Locally, I know two GM dealers now carrying Amsoil, and one Honda Dealer for the 20wt oils. My wife had her Infinti serviced by the dealer and the bill stated that both the engine oil and tranny fluid was Amsoil. Wow!
4/10/2004 08:23:47
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: How many of the people that have already posted are amsoil users?
Howard Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/10/2004 10:24:28
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
RAMDAKOTA, I have used Amsoil for somewhere between 6-8 years but it is irrelevant to the topic of discussion. The topic was/is that Dodge Dealers are now offering Amsoil in their service departments which adds credence to what Steve (Amsoil Sponsor) has been telling us for months.
4/10/2004 12:27:37
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: So that's a yes for you (Howard). I'm sure almost everyone that got on uh's case also uses Amsoil. Which is what I thought.
It explains why everyone is so eager to attack someone who doesn't think as highly about Amsoil.
As if that makes him (uh) inferior or something. If you really believe in the product. Why does it matter what other people say about it?
If you get that upset when people don't agree with you choice of oil. I would hate to see what happens when something really important comes up. YIKES!
This is like a hate fest over something that really isn't that important in life.
Joe Blow Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/10/2004 16:18:31
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: GESS WHAT?
DSW Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2004 03:39:06
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: If some of DC's service departments are selling Amsoil, how does this impact the warranties while using Amsoil products? Warranty repairs have been the discussion in past threads about Amsoil, especially in concern with using Amsoil Universal ATF instead of DC recommended ATF+4.
How will DC handle warranty repairs if Amsoil products are used? I can see DC customer relations pitching a fit about not using the recommended fluid if the engine or tranny blows up and needs to be replaced. Even though Amsoil carries a guarantee (warranty) when using their products, I would not be the persone trying to have a $4000 engine replaced and cought between DC and Amsoil pointing fingers back and forth about who's at fault.
hey howard? Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2004 07:52:36
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: steeler wants 25 buck with filter and disposes proprly.
you buy amsoil for 30 PLUS filter on top of that and dump on ground. now, really, who is better again?
and as far as" The topic was/is that Dodge Dealers are now offering Amsoil in their service departments which adds credence to what Steve (Amsoil Sponsor) has been telling us for months." only means that the dealers are getting a higher profit margin then the stuff the factory recommendsgives them, and that those particular dealers selling that particular problem don't give a damm about weather D/C will allow them to continue to seel D/C cars and trucks.
howard? was that debate class the same one you flunked out of?
now for HH just because some clerk had AMSOIL printed on the reciept does not mean that you got what you paid for! most likely you got a buck a quart oil for 6 bucks a quart price.
Justi you little moron, I was never argueing you, idiot, YOU are the one argueing, I was mearly stating an opinion. Justi? do you ever feel that argueing on the internet is like being in the special olympics? of course you do! ya know why? cause when the event is over and the awards are givin out, you are still a retard.
one more special point for Howard, I have absolutely no idea what oil was in my engine when it came off the line, that is the BS part, everything else is true, including the fact that you just plain pay to much for an oil change and to get greased (does it feel good?). I have never had a vehicle go over 138,000 miles on it without some idiot runnin into the thing while parked, sitting at a light, while they ran a light/stop sign or decided that they had the right to go 30 over the speed limit and take out all commers, and puttin the vehicle into a junk yard, so for me the SO CALLED advantage of using a product that supposedly will allow my engine to last a whale of a lot longer then that is just a waste of money. Think about it. does KBB or any of the other used vehicle price guides give a higher price just for using a particular lubricant over another? NO???? ever wonder why???
Luke? I would not run longer then the recommended oil change times, even tho the oil still lubes, the additive pakage that keeps the engine from rusting when the acids from combustion and water vaper from combustion and overnight condensation builds up, will and does break down. the only way to get those acids and water that are diluted in the oil out of the oil where they do no harm is to drain the oil out of the engine. Betcha a buck that if you went say 3 or even 4 times the recommended distance/time say 9,000 to 12,000 miles and 9 to 12 months between oil changes, that the main and rod bearings both show rust and corrosion after 2 years, "AND THAT IS A FACT!" but its your engine, not mine.
Luke Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/11/2004 13:16:37
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: Is it nice to be such a loser to not even be able to put your name on your post's? If you want to go by what you think with out looking into things fo right ahead, but I know why I use Amsoil and nothing you say will ever change my mide simply because I have seen way to many bennifets of useing it.
Look into it and it is proven that with testing Amsoil can go up to 25,000 miles on an oil change, at lest it should go is 10,00 miles. You do have to change filter on it but that is just common sense.
Freddy Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2004 10:21:18
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
My dealer now has a big amsoil banner hanging across the back wall. It was not there last month. I did not ask about it and I did not get my fluids changed. I was just there dropping off my dad to pick up his truck.
Just letting u guys know.
Really Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2004 10:42:26
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: Which dealer?
Freddy Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2004 14:49:13
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Orange Park. I don't own a Dakota. My dad does. I drive a Neon but I am getting his truck when I finish school, so I come here to read. I want to pimp it out and add hp when it is mine.
Really Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
4/17/2004 21:12:53
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
Message: NICE!!!
Dr. D Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE 
4/17/2004 21:33:05
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
I run AMSOIL in my 98 Cummins Ram 2500 and the 95' Dakota
(NO Problems).
I go at least a year between oil changes and recently changed
fluids in the Dakota.
I had 15,572 miles on the oil in that 3.9 with over 180,000 total
miles on the engine.
I took a sample and will be sending it in for analysis just to see
how the old engine is doing.
The Dodge dealer in my home town will not sell AMSOIL because
they are a bunch of old greedy dirtbags that want to find a
problem (or do some B_LLSH_T inspection) with your vehicle
every 3 months or 3,000 miles.
Dr. D
Really Dodge Dakota JOIN HERE
6/05/2004 17:07:11
| RE: Dodge Dealerships Now Carry AMSOIL IP: Logged
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