From | Message |
Dano Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 19:42:13
Subject: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Traffic cops / meter maids.
Did you know that the speed limits are set 8-12 mph BELOW the prevailing travel speed and 15mph BELOW the maximum safe speed that 85% of traffic travels. this according to the chief of the trafic Saftey division of the federal highway administration.
SO they set the speed limit low and collect fines as part of a random taxation scheam to make money.this causes the public to have a distrust for the police and judicial system.
Don't you hate pigs to?
V8 inside
K/M/A Dodge Dakota
7/09/2001 19:51:01
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: You moron,them pigs might save your life or a love ones life some day.You big loser,quite your crying and drive the posted speed.
yeah right Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 19:53:38
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Yeah whens the last time a traffic cop saved anyone.
K/M/A Dodge Dakota
7/09/2001 20:10:30
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Yeah right...two morons.
99DurangoV8 Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 20:31:16
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Why are cops pigs for enforcing the law? They didn't make the law according to your statement? Don't hate the player, hate the game!
K.Flood Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 21:08:41
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: My dads a cop and he's sick and tired of pulling assholes like you out of trucks you cant even handle. So do the speed limit you loser and never set foot on the east end of long island ever ever. And watch out for my dad in his RC 318 5 spd cause he can handle his truck unlike you ,you stupid idiot.People like you should be shot.
dood Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 21:20:04
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: KMA
This guy has a valid point and all you ppl can say to it is hes a moron.
I think speed limits are set to low and its more dangerous to go the speed limit cause no ones else does and that creates a diference in speed which is very dangerous. And btw tickets dont save lives.
cause they blindly follow along. And arent smart enough to get a real job.
breaking the speed limit doesnt kill ppl breaking the laws of physics does.
Hawkeye Gen III

7/09/2001 21:27:58
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Actually Dano, having worked in and around Law Enforcment most of my working life, I have quite a bit of respect for the folks who wear a badge. They catch a lot of undeserved flack from folks like you because ever once in a while there is a bad one in the bunch. You may have never needed help from the police before but the day will come when you do. Remember your current feelings then. That traffic cop who stops some idiot for needlessly speeding or driving reckless and stupid, may have just stopped the person that would have killed you and/or someone you love down the road. Unless you have worked the job, you have no room to talk. If you just obey the law, then you will have nothing to fear. But I guess that is the real problem. Some people feel that they are above the law, or that it just applies to others.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 32x11.50 BFG AT's Green Thunder
dood Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 21:57:55
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Lot of mabeys in there hawkeye.
ands its traffic cops were talkiing about not all cops.
dood Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 22:05:05
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: What if those founding fathers obeyed they law?
5.9L Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 23:51:39
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I think cops who sit around all day and pick on teenagers with fast cars are assholes. I have a friend who is a local cop. He told me that the more tickets he gave the more he got paid. That's Bull shit. I have gotten 2 speeding tickets for going 5 mph over the limit. Now your telling me that i should respect them.
Jeff Dodge Dakota 
7/09/2001 23:52:27
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Im sorry but I have met too many cops that are total abusive jerks. There in it for the power trip. Many of them are just as crooked if not more then the criminals they bust. My friend was a cop in Texas for 20 years until he got fed up with the stealing and gang raping of prisoners and turned them all in with tape recordings of them talking about it. Then his force ran him down in an unmarked car sending him to the hospital for 3 years and giving him amnesia. And for his 20 years of service he got a whole $100 a month pension! Lets talk about my friend's mother who husband a police officer, came home every night and beat her up to relieve the stress from the day. I have run into a few good cops that really want to help people but they are far and few in between. Also I dont ever remember voting for the speed limit in my area. In fact the speed limit was set at 55 in the 70's because of the gas embargo. I agree driving fast can and does kill people every dau, but so does talking on the cell phone, eating, and putting on makeup while driving.
Then again with all this road rage out there you dont need to crash to get kill in your car, just piss off the wrong person and you'll get shot!
Jeffster Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 00:17:15
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I always try to stay under double the speed limit. That feels about safe to me.
Kris239 Gen II

7/10/2001 11:54:50
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I can relate to Hawkeye's statement. Feburary of 2000 I was nailed by a drunk that totaled my old and first Dakota. I wish that a cop would of pulled him over when he was doing 50 in a 25 so he wouldn't of ran a red light then run into me while running it. Especially since he didn't have any money or insurance I lost a lot of $$. Man, that accident almost killed me.
Kris Harnack 1994 Dodge Dakota SLT 3.9L V6 / RC / SB / Auto
Kris239 Gen II

7/10/2001 12:07:15
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I can also relate to the other side of the story though also. My brother had a 99 Prelude with a greddy exhaust system and a ton of other mods. While he was driving on a local highway he was followed by a cop. He kept it in 5th gear and at 45mph so the exhaust was quite. The cop still pulled him over and gave him 10 days to remove the exhaust. It's a 50 state-legal exhaust that he's had for 2 years, and it's not even loud. So 10 days later he showed up at the DA's office with a '96 BMW 328is and the fine was dropped because he traded the car in. Even though the BMW also has a loud aftermarket system on it to. The cop that pulled him over said that they are trying to crack down on imports because they are having a lot of people racing after the Fast and the Furious came out. So my brother was given a fine for a legal exhaust system because other kids are ruining it for him? Yep, that sounds like Johnny Law was bored again! CRAP! My neighbors are selling their house and a cop is looking at it right now!
Kris Harnack 1994 Dodge Dakota SLT 3.9L V6 / RC / SB / Auto
MikeC Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 13:03:37
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I have heard that there are 100 things a cop can pull you over for, even if you are obeying the speed limit. I once got pulled over ( had my college car with lot's o' bumper said "I *shape of heart* COPS") and they told me one license plate light was brighter than the other. C'mon.
And if speed limits rally meant anything, why did the Gov. of Mass decide to raise the speed limit on the Mass Pike from 55 to 65. Did the roads suddenly become safer over-night? I majored in civil engineering, and it is true that the limits are set 85% under the AASHTO design criterias, and this is part of a factor of safety. Funny how they don't "Factor" this in when they write you a ticket for going 5 miles over. Also, at least in Mass, I found out that they have to clock you speeding for at least a 1/4 mile. This makes a little more sense, because if you cross the limit for .1 seconds, does this really constitute speeding?
Lastly, I think speed traps are the biggest waste of taxpayer money. They should be out in public places walking a beat or easily accessible to someone who may actually NEED help, not burried in the side of a road like a tic.
Opinions are based on personal experience, and in my experience, I have met only 2 cops I liked. Bottom line for me...cops suck. THEY chose their jobs. THEY knew the bullshit they would have to enforce, quotas and all. Yet THEY still want to keep those jobs, which makes them just as evil as the bullshit laws they enforce.
Jacob Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 15:52:09
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Cops suck....I think I have meet like 2 nice cops in my entire life. They are the kids that always got beaten up in high school, so now they are on a power trip. I have gotten 3 tickets, since I got my dak, all but one i should not have gotten because people were going faster than me, but I am the 19 year old in a 2000 Dodge Dakota. Plus I know girls(my girlfriend) whom is a bad driver and gotten pulled over like nine times, but no tickets because she can turn on the tears and has boobs!! Yes, there are probably good pigs out there but they must be in the pastry shop when I am driving.
Python97 Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 16:50:14
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: There used to be guys in here giving good information. Now it seems like little old ladys bitching about everything. If you got balls let them hang. If you wanna bitch about shit go to a little girl chat room!!!!
sandman Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 18:40:40
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I agree that calling a Police officer a pig is not a polite thing to do. J.Flood you are being even worse by threatning his life and calling him names. I will agree that Police officers do serve a purepose but protecting the people is not one of them. Ever time I have called police it has taken 45 minutes to an hour for any one to show up. They function as a deturance to people that would try to take advantage of a bad situation but they realy do not impact hardened fellons very much. They are like a good strong lock. A lock is not going to stop a determined thief but it will deture that person walking by that might think about entering your house. I realy do not care too much for rolling tax collectors either but they do help alot of people when they happen past someone in need of help. They also take a great risk everytime they pull someone over. I would hate to see how much worse people would drive if there was no sytem to punish peolple at random for breaking the laws that our elected officals have made. There are much easier and stress free ways to make a liveing then putting on a uniform that makes you a target. Alot of people that were once your friends treat you totaly different once you become a law enforement officer. Their have been several law suits against various police departments for failing to protect the public and the Supream court has rolled in the Police departments favor every time. The Supreme Court has said repeatedly"It is not the job of the police to protect society." T
Dano Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 19:45:17
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Protect and serve ? i seam to remember reading that b4.
K.Flood Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 19:49:45
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: i didnt threaten any ones life it just pisses me off what people have to say about cops. Until the day you really need a cop when u get into that bad situation u shoukdnt go crying to them. I like this site alot its just all the assholes on it that ruins it.
K/M/A Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 20:58:39
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: K.FLOOD You are so wright about some of the asshole people on this web site,I have been on this web site for a long time...and they come and go.What gets me is the fucking cry baby's crying about cops, some day if some dirtbag takes one of there loved ones away and rapes them our kills them... or if your house is on fire and some cop happens to drive by at 3.00am and bangs on the door to save you and your family,they well become friends with the cops then.
I'm not a cop and I wouldn't have that job for all the money in the world.You got to deal with all of the skumbags ever day{No thanks]
Mark... because we can't register our names any longer with out having to pay,this is the kind of shit that well be on this web site,by some moron.
K Flood Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 21:56:56
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: one inteligent person on this site thanks K/M/A
OK1 Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 22:03:15
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: To all of you who don't like (as you say) "pigs"...
How's this? I'm old enough to be to be your grandfather and have been "round the block" many times. I have plenty of money and plenty of time. I just wish I knew how to find each of you. I would do a little traveling and come see each of you and kick the living shit out of each of you snotty nosed brats. Who ya gonna call then?
EMS66 Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 22:18:36
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Well,
I am a Paramedic, I say SPEED all you want. Job security for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And the police too!
EMS66 Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 22:19:48
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Well,
I am a Paramedic, I say SPEED all you want. Job security for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And the police too!
EMS66 Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 22:20:14
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Well,
I am a Paramedic, I say SPEED all you want. Job security for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And the police too!
rEID tARDO Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 22:37:13
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Its true that cops seem to pick on the young. Why??? Cause there usually the ones driving like A**Holes trying to impress their girlfriend.
rEID tARDO Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 22:38:20
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Its true that cops seem to pick on the young. Why??? Cause there usually the ones driving like A**Holes trying to impress their girlfriend.
Jeff Dodge Dakota 
7/10/2001 23:11:54
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Another example of the BullS**T out there. Pass a plain white car no markings no lings on the side of the road, I was doing 50 in a 45. That car turned out to be an unmarked cop sitting on the side of the road. I thik that bs, its one thing to sit a cop car on the side of a road people see it slow down, thus you effectivly enforce the speed limit, but a plain unmarked car. Thats just a money maker. I was lucky he didnt pull me over.
Jim Dodge Dakota
7/10/2001 23:36:07
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: COPS have a tough job, right. If your job has a quota to make you will do it. Why? Because it’s your job. You may not like it or want to do it, but you still do. Most people will do what ever it takes to survive. It can be any job Salesman, Cop, VP or a CFO. People choose a job because you like it, or need to make a living.
Speeding for example will depend on driver’s age, attitude and experience. Pulling someone over will depend on a cops age, attitude and experience. If you decide to speed you know the risk and can and will get pulled over some day.
I disagree with people hating cops, yes I am sure that there are bad cops and good cops. Who am I to judge am not laying my life on the line every night. For example whom are you going to call when your life is in danger, or your families? My bet would be 911. Say a cop arrives and rushes into your house and save your life. Would you be grateful, or say thanks for giving me that ticket 2 weeks ago “pig”! I really don’t think that would be a justified comment. I know people think this will never happen to them but it might, just remember who you will call or would have called, if your still there to tell the story.
Ask yourself this question why wouldn’t I become a cop? Your answer might tell yourself allot of what these people deal with an go through everyday, People will do things now that they regret and not do things that they also regret. It is part of life. I give these people a great deal of respect for the job they do.
Dodge Dakota
7/11/2001 02:01:48
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: cops, like most other things in this world are a good idea, but just need to be worked on. yes, we need laws, but no bs ones that are just getting nit picky. the other day at work, two guys were passed out drunk on the sidewalk, guess how many cops showed up, 8+. now that is insane, there is more important things than picking up a drunk, and if all those cops just need something to do, then fire them, im sick of them wasting my tax money.
example: the other day i got a ticket for going 45 in a temporary school zone (children present), when i got pulled over, i said, there were no children, and he said, yes there were. well, guess what, the ticket was written at 2:31, you want to know what time the school gets out? 2:55. that was a fantastic waste of $185.
the other thing i hate is how cops get away with everything, they hide behind their badges because they think they are perfect just because they are cops. and dont say, o that never happens, because i have heard stories from cops themselves.
like i said, sure, cops serve a purpose, but just not quite how they are
Wes Gen III

7/11/2001 02:24:09
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Most cops in general don't do very much at all. Don't get me wrong, I respect them. But it seems to me that they spend way too much time on traffic violations then other more important things like drugs, drinking, etc. Doing 10 mph over an empty highway is no big deal, but they will nail you every time. I just wish cops would go after the real criminals more and not so much worry about j-walkers.
Hawkeye Gen III

7/11/2001 06:52:32
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Not going to argue the point. Folks have their minds made up and thats sad. Just food for thought, as far as real criminals go, upwards of 75% of all felony warrants, murderers, rapists, child molesters, robbery suspects, high profile drug runners/dealers, all get served on traffic stops. But I guess you are right, we should just do away with traffic officers. They dont serve any useful purpose anyway. Then we can all just drive however we want. After all, we are all expert drivers and can handle ourselves at any speed and conditions. While we are at it, lets cut back on the number of paramedics we have on duty at one time. After switching over from law enforcement to being a First Responder and Fire/Rescue dispatcher, I can tell you there are a lot of paramedics and emt's just sitting around the fire stations all day watching tv. Lot of taxpayer money going down the tube there too.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD 32x11.50 BFG AT's Green Thunder
mike Dodge Dakota
7/11/2001 10:37:10
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Hey, cops are a very good idea. True story-A guy got pulled over for a broken tail light. The cop offered to help fix the light instead of writing a ticket. The offender had his dead girlfriend in the trunk. Go figure...if not for the cop, the guy would've gotten away with murder.
I think cops are a good idea. But, it burns me up when they pass me, like I'm sitting still. Maybe they have to be somewhere. (who cares) My girlfriend calls it a "perk" I guess all jobs has it's perks. Mine does...and I don't want to give those up.
So, keep the cops! Just slow down, don't break the law and ya should be alright.
y22man Dodge Dakota 
7/11/2001 11:32:51
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: The mind set in here sucks. No wonder things are getting tougher for the law abinding citizen. People just do not stand for their own actions. You break the law. There is a punishment. You know you are going 5 mile over the limit. You know about it while you are doing it. There is a consequece for speeding. There is also a consequce for obeying the law. You don't get pulled over.
for example. quoted from above--
That's Bull shit. I have gotten 2 speeding tickets for going 5 mph over the limit. Now your telling me that i should respect them.
Whoops I broke the law. There should be no punishment.
Think people. I am not a mindless person that goes along with everything. I speed too. Just took down a Prelude this morning on a street road. I know it was wrong. Why did I do it. Pride I guess. But if I got caught I would know I broke the law. Hence there is a concequce. People stand for your own actions.
My 2 cents.
bernd Gen III

7/11/2001 11:41:47
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Back in HighSchool, there was a Santa Clara County Sheriff who was CONSTANTLY pulling me over for just about anything. Why? Engine sticking through the hood, driving fast, reckless driving, illegal lane changes...basically a teenager who though he was "bullet-proof". Sure, at that time I though he was a a-hole for doing it...but with age comes experience, respect, and knowledge. (He's a good friend of the family now...and I can thank him for what he did to me back then.)
Let's see:
17 counts 14601.1a (Driving on a suspended license)
5+ counts of Speeding (normally 10-15mph over)
17 counts VC5200 (No Front License Plate)
2 counts reckless driving
1 count Evading Arrest (and did it with a V6)
Had my license suspended for three years and $2000+ in fines with some jail time. That was by the time I was 21. Stupid....YES. (Hey, I was a teenager with a decently fast car or motorcycle.)
Cops have a tough job and don't get the respect they deserve. Several of my highschool classmates are now on the local police forces with two on SWAT. (And they didn't like the "pigs" in highschool either...go figure.)
5.9L: You were pulled over for breaking the law...that's the facts. (5mph or's still considered Speeding.)
As for the police speeding and passing you (even without lights) do you know that they're not on a call and trying to get there as quick and safely as possible. (The police driving school is MUCH harder than the regular driving test everyone takes for their drivers license. They're trained to handle their vehicles.)
1997 Dodge Dakota SLT - V6 Supercharged @ 10#
Jacob Dodge Dakota 
7/11/2001 13:18:00
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Actually in Florida it is a written mandate that all cops can exceed the speed limit by a certain amount (15mph I think) said above one the the perks of the job.
MikeC Dodge Dakota 
7/11/2001 13:28:21
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Bernd,
You just prompted a new thread...and I thought My record was bad...whew!!!
DarkFury Dodge Dakota 
7/11/2001 14:22:17
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: Well... I guess I have been fortunate that I have only had 1 ticket my entire life (in 15 years of driving) and that one was a case where they had to charge someone even though this was a situation where there were several "extenuating circumstances".
Well...I ask you this? What about when COPS do racial profiling? I can recount several instances where I have been followed for several miles by COPS lookin' for something to tag me on. Now what if you were to do something stupid out of nervousness? They would be at fault for causing a situation.
Once I even got pulled over just because I was driving a brand new vehicle... He and his partner got out of their vehicle and requested that myself and my cousin get out of the car while they "inspected" the trunk area. Of course, there was NOTHING in the trunk (the car was brand spankin' the lot for about 3 hours).
Those COPS didn't have anything "suspicious" to pull me over on, and I was worried that they might actually "create" a problem by doing something dirty (You hear about "planting evidence" all the time).
Well... fortunately as expected, they didn't find anything and they had to let me go. Not that I would ever do anything anyway. But it still pissed me off that they suspected me with no probably cause.
So what I am saying is, there are good and bad COPS... I don't worry to much about the good ones, but that bad seed can ruin it for the whole bunch.
BTW, I always thought that COPS had to follow the same rules as civilians if they are rollin' without their lights on. This means that when you see one fly by you at 10 to 30 MPH over the limit without lights, then they are in the wrong!
If they are "on the case" they are supposed to turn those lights on to let you know to get out of the way. Personally, I think when they do that they are just late in meeting their buddies at the donut shop. :)
CyberWolf Dodge Dakota 
7/11/2001 14:34:06
| RE: Traffic pigs IP: Logged
Message: I had a recent experience with the good old Dallas Police. I was coming home one night down the highway and saw a drunk driver ahead of me. She was crossing all 4 lanes back and forth and keeping all of the traffic about 1/4 mile behind her. This was at 2:00 a.m. I called 911 and let them know. They said thank you and an officer is on the way. I kept following her because I knew she was about to get in a wreck. About 5 miles down the road I called again and updated her position. They said thank you and an officer is on his way. I kept following her around the highway that circles Dallas (635). About 5 miles later I called back to update her position and told her that they need to get someone there asap. They told me that if she gets into an accident and I am following her that I would be responsible because I was following her. I cussed at her a little and told her that I was following because I wanted to be able to help anyone that was involved in her potential wreck since no one else cares. She hung up on me. I kept following and she goes accross all lanes and hits the concrete barrier at around 70 mph and just keeps going. I kept following. About 1 mile down the road I saw a cop parked on the side of the highway because he just finished giving a ticket. I stopped and told him about what was happening and he told me that he has paperwork to do from his last ticket. After stopping I lost the drunk driver and have no clue if she even made it home alive or without killing anyone else. I followed her 3/4 way around Dallas before stopping. Basically, the cops where more worried about making the money from traffic fines and not about the lives of others.
Another recent experience:
My mom and her x husband got into an arguement and he came after her. She picked up the handset from the phone and hit him in the head with it and he backed off. It didn't even leave a mark. After that she told him to leave and he wouldn't so she called the police. When the poilce showed up they arrested my mom for assault even though he said he did NOT want to press charges. They said it didn't matter because she did assault him. He is 6'5 and 280 lbs. My mom is 5'4" and tiny. She spent that night in jail because she could not get ahold of anyone to bail her out.
In short, most Dallas cops are good for nothing. I'm still waiting to meet that good cop.
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