From | Message |
Kennungesser Gen III

6/06/2001 22:10:44
Subject: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: What causes your road Rage? Here is mine!
1: People that don't use turn signals
2: People who don't yield
3: People who stop at the end of an entrance ramp!
4: The guy in front of you going 5mph slower than speed limit!
5: People driving slow in the left lane!
I usually encounter all of these in the first mile of driving anywhere.
O.K , I've vented , your turn!
Kenneth l Nungesser
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/06/2001 22:28:37
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Ken,
Number 2 on your list but number 3 most definitely!! I hate that. Have more too but if I get started I may end up with a book before I'm finished.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
Stuart Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 00:08:26
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: 1. No turn signals don't bother me. Sometimes I dont use them.
2. People who don't yeild do bother me and it becomes of a case of who wants the spot more.
3. People who stop at the end of an entrance ramp piss me off to no end. entrance ramps ar made for getting up to high way speed.
4. People here don't drive 5 mph less than the speed limit. That is too fast for them. If your doing less than 80, your going too slow.
5. People driving slow in general. If I wanted to drive slow, I would of bought an underpowered basic mode of transportation, not a fire breathing 4.7L V-8.
PeTeR F. Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 00:29:06
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Really makes me mad when the person going 5 mph slower than the limit speeds up when you pass them.
I hate when I get on the freeway and the people in the middle lane get over into the far right lane. That makes me want to speed up, get infront of them and do a brake check.
The worst thing to me is when I go to a store, I park my truck far out in the parking lot. Of course some punk has to park in the spot right next to mine.
redbone Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 00:43:23
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: driving in california is the worst try it some time its all that plus a hell of alot more and ten times that
andrew Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 01:09:29
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: You got that right redbone. Glad I dont live in L.A., its hell for drivers!
Ryan Kane Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 01:46:28
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate is a path to the Dark Side."
- Yoda
DakotaFan Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 03:02:27
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: I concur with all the rage complaints here.
We have an exit ramp on the freeway here that you're SUPPOSED to just run right at the top; then merge left if you need to. It just burns me up when some idiot STOPS at the top...only to wait for traffic to clear in the middle lane--so they can make what at that point has become an illegal turn. I damn near pushed one of these dimwits out of my way yesterday! Gotta wait to get a brushguard before I do that, though...don't wanna mess up my truck.
I think Yoda would probably have passed fear and hate--going straight to the Path of the Darkside if he was in that situation yesterday. LOL!!!
Wayne Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 03:54:31
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: You people are soooo up tight. You need to chill out. There is no law saying you have to use your turn signals. Besides, they may be using them but the bulb is burned out. Just follow them and when they stop, kindly tell them the bulb is out. Someone that doesn't yield is probably taking their loved one to a hospital and is in a hurry. As for the person that stops at the end of the entrance ramp, what if it was your grandma. It is probably somebodies grandparents and there was no interstates when they learned how to drive. The guy going 5 mph slower than the speed limit is enjoying his day off. You should have left home earlier and drove slower. It is refreshing and lots of people blow their horns and wave at you when they pass (although I don't understand that 1 finger wave). If someone is driving slow in the left lane just pass them in the right lane if you are in a hurry.
Where is the love man?
P.S. As for the "fire breathing 4.7", I drive a '98 LS1 so don't get caught on the road with that P.O.S. rolling road block in front of me or I'll shoot all the f--ing windows out of that junk with my .44 magnum as I whizz by you. I joined the dark side 36 years ago. I had road rage when road rage wasn't cool. And if you think 4.7 or any other puny engine of that sort "breathes fire" you need to get out more.
Me Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 07:09:10
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Why cant there just be an honest discussion about things that bother folks without someone having to be stupid. All of the points in the post above will sound just that good while your signing your ticket here. As for comments about shooting out peoples windows, where I'm from, those kinds of remarks will either land you in jail or get you killed. Be very careful who you say things to when its people you have never met. You never know who you may be talking to.
Bernd Gen III

6/07/2001 08:45:02
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
People, road rage is easliy avoided if you just relax. I encounter these things on a regular basis as well and either
(A) Drive around them
(B) It's not worth it to get all pissed off (for your own health)
The worst thing on a road (next to some of the examples given) is another driver who's all bent out of shape and driving next to, behind, or in front of you.
Statements posted on web-boards like this (such as what Wayne made) are nothing to worry about. Most of the time they're harmless comments that were just made to "enlarge someones ego". If you don't live near them, don't know them personally, and don't have any proof that it's either been done or will be done to you, comments like "Be very careful who you say things to when its people you have never met." are just as worthless as the original comment.
Lighten up a bit when driving people...road rage is easily controlled.
(But if they still don't get outta my way, i'll use them as a wheel chock.) ;)
1997 Dodge Dakota SLT - V6 Supercharged @ 10#
MACE Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 08:53:22
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hmm, what promotes road rage, simple, anyplace "wayne" drives....thats a joke son!
How about those people driving in front of you who decide to be nice on the spur of the moment and brake with no warning to let someone in from a side street...sure recipe for a rear end smack up.
BTW wayne, there sure is a law for not using turn signals, but not when your driving your schwin, opps, another joke, sorry.
How about those warning signs put up for at least a mile that one lane is closing and yet, some bozo has to be in that lane, down to the last car length before trying to squeeze in.
Or someone cutting you off from a side street and then driving under the speed limit, probably the same driver who has to zoom over from the left lane to cut you off to make that right lane exit.
And speaking of schwins, bike riders on roads where there is clearly no bike lane, riding in the path of something that outweighs them by thousands of pounds, which guessed it, wayne driving by real slow, taking pot shots at the guys tires after realizing the 1 finger the bike rider gave to him didn't mean he is number one, ah crap another joke, I'm outta here...gotta go clean out my 12 gauge shotgun and get me some 1oz slugs for blowing away LS1 engine blocks while feeding my pit bull some stray cats to get him pissed enough to go eat some schwin tires...later, oh BTW wayne, please register that pea shooter...DAKS RULE!
BMac Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 09:00:44
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: YEA, NOW you got me to add my $.02
People who do not know how to work a 4-way stop. If you don't, get a damn book and find out or surrender your privledge of driving, you ARE sharing the road.
I am from the east coast and the farther west I come, the more I find people running red lights and stop signs.
Check this out, I am at a stop light, light turns green, I look both ways, I get half way across the intersection and a green cursed mini van blazzed through a red light and passes behind me without even attempting to stop almost taking me and other out in the process. People here in the mid-west try to rush that late yellow or early red to get through. Heads up people, I'm installing a video, then I'm going to turn it in to the local constabulary.
Almost every time I come to a red light, when it turns green, 3 or 4 cars or mini vans will go after their light turns red.
Mini vans drivers are the worst offenders, they seem to forget that they are sharing the road. They drive slow, look around, dilly dally, sing along with the kids and forget to drive.
Get your head out of the clouds and DRIVE
I get up early to get to work early in case I get behind slow drivers, or get a flat, orget stopped. Life is fast paced so you have to get yourself time to be on-time.
And, Yes, I realize that there is no law against STUPIDITY, but that's what will kill us.
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/07/2001 09:16:16
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: I agree with what Bernd said. I just try to relax and let things go. But, The things I mentioned are annoying, but no so much that I would loose my temper or something. If I am understanding what Ken was originally saying, thats what he was meaning, they are just things that are really annoying, not that its worth going nuts over. Ken correct me if I am wrong. But yes, just relax and enjoy driving your awesome truck. Roll down the window and feel the wind, listen to the sweet hum of your exhaust, crank up the radio, oh, and Stay out of the way of supercharged silver Dakotas! :-)
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
MACE Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 09:39:49
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Rage is probably overstating the frustration when encountering the driving 'habits' we're discussing here...I use the term 'habits' cause when driving back and forth to work, I constantly see the exact same drivers doing the exact same stupid things day in and day does indeed get annoying when you look up into your rearview mirror and say, oh crap, here comes that idiot in the Camaro who I know is just gonna zoom over from the left lane, cross 2 more lanes of traffic, just to beat me to the exit, or watch out, her comes that soccer mom in the mini-van putting on her makeup who expects everyone to let her out of a lane that is being blocked by a red road cone that has only been advertised for the past two miles as being closed.
No bull, I know which cars every day on my drive to work, I should drivers who don't know the rules of the road, nope...drivers who leave for work at the last minute and are in a rush, possibly, folks who don't give a crap about the safety of others and think they own the road, hell yes!
However, I also know nice quiet roads, little traffic, long stretches, where I can exercise both my DAK and the freedom of driving without having to worry about those nasty driving 'habits' of our fellow bad none of 'em lead to work.
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/07/2001 09:59:58
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: i know what you mean Mace. See that to. Like I said, sometimes you just need to come somewhere like here and vent, and just chat with other folks who have experienced the same things. Then you can feel more relaxed when you do get out on the road, knowing that other people share your thoughts. But still like Bernd said. We all need to check the tempers in the bed of the truck before cranking up. Its not worth anyone's life. Need to stay calm and sharp to be able to spot the other non-driving idiots out there to avoid them.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
Jason Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 10:05:41
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Sounds like some people here have Internet Forum Rage.

6/07/2001 10:20:33
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: As of now my biggest P.O. is Semi drivers, who
should know that they can't stop in short
distances in an emergency situation, that feel
it is necessary to tailgate especially on a two
lane road at 45 mph or more.Believe me they
cannot STOP at least not until they hit another
stopped vehicle.Hence the name "DAK2"
Y2K DAK 3.9L 5 Spd OS/2 Keeps going&going&going
MACE Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 11:01:38
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: DAK2...ouch! I know what you mean...I was in the left lane of a two lane Interstate, I could watch via the driver side mirror of a semi ahead of me, it's driver's arm jerking his steering wheel to the left, to swerve into the left lane, sticking his head out the window and yelling, because the drivers there, were running at a speed that wouldn't let the semi pull into the left lane...he did this for miles, bullying his way to the left lane, not to mention blasting his airhorn.
Jason, IFR, I like it, 'tis better to vent or think about revenge than actually committing road rage against those half-wit drivers...rules of engagement say it is a waste of time to enter into a battle of wits against a unarmed opponent, sorta along the lines of the gene pool needs a lifeguard.
Ryan Kane Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 11:13:25
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: The problem is that we live in a rush-rush world. Everyone is in a rush and hurrying to get somewhere. Why is everyone in such a hurry? Where is everyone going? Is there something going on out there that I dont know about?
Just relax and enjoy the ride. Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you. Dont worry about the guy behind you. Ignore the car next to you. Dont get all flustered and upset because somebody made poor judgement that affected you. Just drive your vehicle the way it should be done and dont concern yourself with those "other" people.
Dont let the world push you around and tell you that you are late or need to be in a hurry.

6/07/2001 15:46:51
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: RYAN
Unfortunately you can't ignore the guy next to
you. A buddy of mine was sideswiped at 65 mph
when the guy next to him started to wander the lane ,fortunately no one was hurt. You can't
ignore anything or anyone on the road.I can tell
you stories that would curl tour toes about
unintelligent drivers.
Y2K DAK 3.9L 5 Spd OS/2 Keeps going&going&going
durtydog Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 18:25:47
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: i drive a international all day long with a beverage body on it.i see it all my friends!!
just do what i do drive defence not offence.
just remember you dont know who or what kind of person is in the other car!he could have a 44 magnum and want to shoot out your windows!!!!
its not worth it!!!!by the way im in nj and drive rt 17 and rt 4 the worst intersection in the country.thats a fact!so you know ive seen it all so dont get mad or even go home and have a beer!!steve
Wayne Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 20:07:33
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Me - (1) sign your real name. (2) you can't have an honest discussion without someone having to be stupid because I have a key board too and I decide what I'm going to write. So shoot me.
My writing is tounge-in-cheek. Do you know what that is? I'm not concerned about tickets or what people are going to do to me because I made a silly statement about shooting somebodies windows out. The point is exactly what has been brought out by others since I spoke up and made fun of all the people with rage. Chill. You really can't do anything about bad drivers except get high blood pressure which hurts you. Try to learn how to control your anger and except others poor abilities to drive....or write.
MACE - cool comebacks. I LMAO. :-)
P.S. I do have a '98 Trans Am and I am not impressed with 4.7s....or 5.9s, or 4.6s, or lightenings. In fact I am not even impressed with LS1s. I have an 11 second '89 Firebird, '23 Tee with 6-71 blown 327, and a Cobra replicar with blown 347. Regular cars just don't breath fire to me.
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/07/2001 20:43:54
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Wayne,
Just an honest question here. If you are into your fast cars so much and honestly dont like any of the engines you mentioned, which are in our trucks, then why are you here? I am just curious and do not mean to offend or start an agrment. I thought everyone was here because because we have trucks that we like. I dont ever see you talking about having a truck that you like. Again, please do not take this question out of context, I am honestly just curious.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
kennungesser Gen III

6/07/2001 20:44:33
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Yes ,hawkeye that is what I was getting at. Vent it here not on the road.
Last week in Columbus OH , just 25 miles from me , a man was killed because of "road rage". It seems a lady of 67 years old cut him off. Witnesses say it was more like he wouldn't let her over and she had the choice of stopping on an on ramp or hitting orange barrels as it was in a construction zone. She pulled in front of him and apparently angered him enough to pass her and do a brake check and then forced her to pull to the breakdown lane. He got out and was yelling at her when a pick-up truck doing about 45 to 50 hit and killed him right in front of her. This set off a chain reaction involving 13 cars. She ended up being rear ended but not hurt to bad.
Kenneth l Nungesser
Mike Balls Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 20:44:58
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: My My, look at this,here is a person that was telling me about my attitude,he doesn't like my attitude{on thread-How are R/Ts performance wise}My My,people that live in glass house's shouldn't throw stones!
Kenneth are you that person that stopped the girl on the eway and grabbed her dog from her car and throw it into the traffic.
kennungesser Gen III

6/07/2001 21:06:00
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hey look , did I slam anyone on this site? No. I was listing the things that tick me off on the road. Did I say anyone was full of BS? No , that was you. And I still don't like your attitude. You express you ignorance every time you post on this site. Either you are joking around , in which case you'r not funny , or you are a depraved moron. OHHH look , I just slamed someone! I must certainly live in a glass house. Look in mr. balls , what finger am I holding up?
Kenneth l Nungesser
Bob Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 21:12:03
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hawkeye-Wayne has a hot 5.2 Dakota,I'm sure he forgot to add that to his collection of toys.Wayne has been on this web site for a long time and has given some very good advice on different stuff and has a good sense of humor. (curiosity killed the cat).
Beep Beep
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/07/2001 21:14:52
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Ok I was just wondering. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
Wayne Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 21:18:11
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hawkeye - Good question. No offense taken. I will try to explain. You see I do like practically everything with a motor I, like most of you, am a gear head. My statement is that "fire breathing 4.7" is over stating the power of the engine. If anyone believes that a factory engine of ant brand is that mean then that person hasn't been around real mean cars of trucks. I give credit to all these engines for what they are. My daily driver is a '99 5.2 CC/Auto that I have put a few mods on. It will run with the new 4.7 RC/5 sp/3.92. I love it but it isn't a fire breather. I saw a brand new 4.7 run at the track in early Y2K and was impressed. All these motors have their good points but I rebel against overstatements. John Force is not in jeapardy from any of us on this forum.
Also, my writings are sometime misunderstood because I intend them to have some light hearted humor in them. This is misunderstood as scarcasm. People automatically figure the worst and get "enraged" at me. Asking questions like you did is better than getting mad and starting some kind of a war.
Wayne Van Metre
Lover of all cars and people.
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/07/2001 21:27:23
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Cool, that was my whole intention, trying to avoid a war. I really like my dak. And yes I may be overly proud of it but thats just me. I just dont like to see guys start getting on each other. I have been involed with too many things in the past and have seen people at their worst. I have seen people die from it. Just want to keep things on the up and up. I know what you are saying. I have owned 1 truck that was truly fast. and I do mean fast. I will not say what it was because I know that someone will go off. I didnt buy my 4x4 to run at the track but it is nice to be able to get around town and in traffic easier than the other guy. Yes I think that John Force's title's are fairly safe. Wonder if I could write him and convince him to take the mustang body off and drop a Dak body on? P.S., Vent away guys, better here than on the road.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
Wayne Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 21:36:20
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Yeah. I got caught up in a war of words one time. It won't happen again.
Now as far as that Mustang body, it has got to......ooops....better not go there. Hehe (got one of those sitting out in the yard too. had to use parts off of it to build the Cobra.
If you want to email me what you had, I would love to know. I don't know why folks get miffed when we mention other vehicles.
Mike Balls Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 21:41:09
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hey look at the Road Rage come out of you.You are the person that gives ever one the finger,when they piss you off.Any of the things you listed well not cause Road Rage,it is what is in ones mind that cause's Road Rage,a gun well not pull it on trigger,it is the person with the finger, that well pull the trigger.You loses,I win.
O.K,I've vented,your turn!
Wayne Dodge Dakota 
6/07/2001 21:45:42
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: I have a couple of parrots.Does anyone know what part of a parrot I refer to when I say the "vent"?
answer: A$$hole. Hehehe
Bob Dodge Dakota
6/07/2001 21:58:30
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hawkeye that was a good one about the cat,not heard that version before.
Birthdays are good for you.The more you have the longer you live.
Hawkeye Dakota Enthusiast

6/07/2001 22:00:39
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Glad you liked it. Heard that from my grandfather when I was little.
'00 QC 4x4 4.7 3.55 LSD Jet Power
kennungesser Gen III

6/07/2001 22:08:08
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: O.K Mr. Balls you win , I lost. I give up. Nice talkin with you.
Kenneth l Nungesser
MACE Dodge Dakota 
6/08/2001 09:19:15
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Hey Wayne, glad you took no offense, I was just having some fun.
I've seen some of your other posts and could tell your one of the good guys, so I was joining you
along the lines of some light hearted humor, though road rage is nothing to laugh at.
Remember those little electronic noise makers...someone cuts you off and you put it on 'kill' and zap the other driver...would you believe I saw a fist fight over this on the side of the road in a traffic jam, everyone was getting off the exit and some lady in a huge SUV (boy, thats another story: women getting revenge on men by driving giant SUVs) figured since her vehicle is sooo big, she can't get hurt and everyone will move out of her way, so she 'squeezes' into the exit lane from the left and causes more of a tie up.
Some guy get out of a VW and 'zaps' her...don't ya know the woman's husband gets out of the pax side, slaps the zapper out of Mr VWs hand, zaps him, and shoves into his mouth, where all hell proceeded to break out.
Similar story of another traffic jam, all folks headed for a exit and a biker tries to ride up the shoulder...some pax in a old beat up chevy truck opens his door right in front of the biker...yep, another friday night at the fights.
kraw Dodge Dakota
6/08/2001 11:58:30
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: Women driving huge ass SUV's that are WAY beyond their means. and #5. those piss me off the most, but I have gotten better at dealing with it. I just curse them under my breathe and smile and think happy thoughts.
I honestly think all licensed drivers should be required to take training like we do to become pilots.. a minimum of 40 hours of training with instructors etc. That way, people would learn about what driving is, respect the laws, be more appreciative of the PRIVILEGE (?) they have in driving. I think that would cut down on 80% of all wrecks and accidents.
It is all in the training.
Tom F Dodge Dakota 
6/09/2001 02:29:58
| RE: Road Rage IP: Logged
Message: I agree with Wayne and Ryan that driving shouldn't be rushed but rather enjoyed, especially by those, like us, who love the cars/trucks they drive.
However, I must say that there is one instance that ticks me off to no end. That is when drivers do not stop at traffic lights that are out. I live in Detroit, notorious for bad drivers ( a good number of which probably don't even have valid licenses ) who just speed through these intersections without even touching the brake. It's so bad that when I do stop, people behind me are honking. It's hard to imagine that so many drivers are that ignorant to the likelyhood of accidents by not stopping, or at least yielding.
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