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07:34:17 - 02/10/2025

General Dakota Board
Dodge Dakota


Subject: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

This a long email that was sent to me yesterday... sounds like a good idea... please read... let get these prices down...

We are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by the summer. Do you want
>gasoline prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united
>Phillip Hollsworth, offered this good idea:
>This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on a certain day"
>campaign that was going around last April or May!
>The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't
>continue to "hurt" ourselves by refusing to buy gas. It ! was more ofan
>inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever
>thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.
>Please read it and join with us!
>By now you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.50 is
>super cheap. It is currently $1.97 for regular unleaded.
>Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to
>think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50-$1.75, we need
>to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the
>marketplace....not the sellers.
>With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need
>to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of gas come
>down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas!
>And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.
>How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop buying gas. But
>we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a
>price war.
>Here's the idea:
>For the rest of this year, DON"T purchase ANY gasoline from the two
>biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL. If they are
>not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If
>they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.
>But to have an impact, we need to reach literally million! s of Exxon
>and Mobil gas buyers. It's really simple to do!! Now, at this point...
>keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions
>of people!!
>I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to
>at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten
>more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the
>sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION
>If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each,
>then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level
>further, you guessed it..... THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!!! Again,all
>you have to do is send this to 10 people and DON"T purchase ANY gasoline
>from EXXON and MOBIL.That's all.
>If you don't understand how we can reach 300 million and all you have
>to do is send this to 10 people.... well, let's face it, you just aren't a
>mathematician. But I am... so trust me on this one.
>How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten
>more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could
>conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! I'll bet you didn't
>think you and I had that much potential, did you! Acting together we
>can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this
>message on.
>"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -Milton Bearle

Edward Crownover
Sr. Loan Officer
Greater Acceptance Mortgage Corp.
(800) 495-5232 ext. 265
Fax: (714) 480-8014

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Considering that I considered $1.40 for regular to be cheap all last year, for it to lower to $1.30 would be phenomenal. (I just paid $2.05 for regular). Damn these California gas prices.

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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
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With the limited number of refineries, this is an impossible idea.
I don't buy gas from exxon or mobil directly but there is only one refinery in the state of MI that I know of. They could get their gas from exxon/mobil and supply the whole state. I am not about t go to another state or country just to avoid buying that companies gas. A better idea would be to go to a corner where there are 4 gas stations and buy gas from the lowest priced one. There would be some competition going on their.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

There are only a few major oil companies left. Most of them merged with each other a few years ago:


There's really no one left after those three.

And, like Graphite said, even if you don't buy directly from an ExxonMobil gas station, you still might be buying from them without even knowing it. Many local oil companies buy gasoline in bulk from the majors then turn around and sell it to convenience stores. You have no idea where those stores bought their gasoline.

Face it, there is nothing that we as consumers can do to affect the price of gasoline.

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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

I got a better idea, stop spreading this worthless fukking forward to everyone in your mother fukking contact list corn on the cob early morning's last night taco-bell Chalupa SH1TTT! ALL OVER THE INTERNET! NO MORE!!

Use some sense here people. If not, for more imformation, please read:

2002 2WD RC SLT 4.7L 5spd 3.92 LSD
MBRP Single in/out | straight piped 3rd cat | turndown tip
Full Hotchkis (bars, springs, shocks) and RAS
Shaved emblems and antennae
150BM fan | removed clutch | HD Radiator

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Gas prices are not that bad!!! Feel lucky you are not paying for gas what you would pay for a gallon of Nyquel(sp), Snapple, Visine, White Out or a bunch of other products. While I would like to pay less for gas it is not out of control or even close to it. I think that Nyquell or Whiteout is like $177 dollars a gallon.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Get real.. there is .01% the volume of white out used as there is gas... when it cost's you $60 to fill your truck as compared to $30.... that is an extra $1500 a year if you drive 15000 miles a year comparing $1.50 to $3.00 which is where it's going to be this summer... so you go right ahead and waste your $$$... if you don't care post your ATM card #, you can compensate the difference for the rest of us...

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Buzz these silly stick it to the gas company ideas have never worked!! Look at the history of these silly internet genius ideas to lower gas prices. I am not going to panic over gas prices. We some of the best gas prices going in the industrilzed world! I doubt that you can site one time that one of thse wouderful ideas have made a lasting impact on gas prices. Tellyou what when we go to war with Iraq gas prices will fall. Opec will start selling everything that they can pump out of the ground as fast as possable to try to clean up with volume while they can in the off chance that something might happen to their oil pumping capacity. So while gas prices are a mild concern to me I paid attention in Economics class and relise that gas is not elastic. P.S. The sign on the outside of a gas station has nothing to do with whom they buy their gas from. I saw a Sunco truck pumping gas into a Total station once and have seen simalar things more then once. My Dad delivered fuel for a while and he delivered gas from a local refinery that was independent to many different stations with many differnt name brands!! You have no way to determine who you might be hurting or not hurting! If you want to save money drive less, drive 5mph slower, air up tires and check things like air filter and plugs. Money does matter but so does common sense. Buzz if you want to see high gas prices go to Canada, Germany or Japan then come talk to me about gas prices. So far $1.63-$1.73 a gallon for regular before I take my $.03 cents of for useing my discount card. If you really want to lower oil price have congress repeal the ban on off shore drilling and drilling in National Wild Life Refuges!

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

If you adjust gas prices to reflect inflation then they are at historic all time lows. You always hear some old tymer talking about gas at $.30 a gallon, that was back in 1957. A 57 chevy was about $3000 then. Compare that to the average family car now cost's $25,000. Gas could cost up to $2.50/gallon and we'd still have it just as good as it was in those "glory" days of gas prices when you account for inflation.

Ed the sock
Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

We have noone to blame but ourselves. When comparing prices today with prices 40 or 50 years ago you have to keep in mind that there were way fewer drivers on the roads. Demand wasn't high but supply was. Econ101 tells us that those conditions are in the consumers favor so prices will be low.

As the world population grows and more people start driving, supply will remain fixed but demand will mushroom off the scale. Then the oil companies can charge what they want because there is a ready market for what they supply.

Why did I say we have only ourselves to blame? Because we are car crazy and we love to drive big gas guzzling vehicles. If we commuted in small economical vehicles and just used our large gas guzzlers when we really need them (Suzie soccer mom doesn't need an H2 to take Johnny to school and buy groceries), demand would go down and the market would turn back to the consumers favor.

I commute in a Toyota Echo (fugly but sips gas and goes like stink) and I cruise and haul sh1t with my Dak. A tank of gas lasts me a month in my Dak.

I'm slipping on my flame retardant suit because I know a bunch of "freedom loving nut jobs" are about to grease me up but really if you think about it, we have no one to blame but ourselves for high gasoline prices. And that retarded Texas Ranger, George Dubbaya Shrub. Him and the Cheyney oil whore conglomerate. Oooops, I'm beginning to rant.

kota on 20s
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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

if you dont like gas prices, buy a hybrid, or electric car.
im thinking of buying a gas powered scooter do putt around town on. thoes biotches get like 80mpg, and do 30-40mph

Single cam, non-VTEC

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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Ed, you are almost right, but not quite. You are right about supply and demand, but you forget one thing. A large factor is the price does not accurately depict the supply of that resource. You want this resource problem to be fixed, let price reflect like it should. Right now, it is not. That's why our resources are being depleted.

"I paid attention in Economics class and relise that gas is not elastic"

Actually, you paid attention poorly then. elasticity means responsiveness. If you touch gas just a tad, people start looking for alternatives, quickly. You might be able to get away with it for a short period of time, but the longer period of time, the more elastic it becomes. All in all, gas is HIGHLY elastic (demand). Which brings me to my next point.

For you fools who think OPEC can charge all they want, think again. They sure hell want to charge as much as they can get away with. However, if the price goes too high, people start looking for alternatives and the development of new fuel technologies increases. This is bad for them. They don't want those new technologies to pick up speed. Then they will loose out horribly in the end! They've kept it very low to keep us from even taking a peep at alternatives. We never had the need to before. Get it?

"save the National Wild Life Refuges"

I say, fukk the wildlife and it's feelings. We put a price on the mother fukking price tag on the birds, trees and bears and add that to the gas price. Badda-bing, you got a trade. Not exact, but close enough.

2002 2WD RC SLT 4.7L 5spd 3.92 LSD
MBRP Single in/out | straight piped 3rd cat | turndown tip
Full Hotchkis (bars, springs, shocks) and RAS
Shaved emblems and antennae
150BM fan | removed clutch | HD Radiator

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

HEY I GOT A TON OF STOCK IN EXXON about you switch that to like amaco or sunoco

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Gas price is not very elastic at all. If it were, people would drive 10% less for each 10% increase in gas prices. They don't. The only thing that will curb demand is sky high prices for the long term to make people buy cars instead of SUVs, or an effort by detroit to make more fuel efficient cars.

Uncle Sam
Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

The price for everything is always based on perceived value. I like xplikt statement (except the national refuge). Prices reflect what we are willing to pay. Alternative fuels is in the national interest and it should be high priority. Unfortunately, the oil co lobbyists are at our congressman/woman's ears more than we are.

Deep Dak
Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

I like Eric's idea, Shooters for everyone! Just think, no parking problems, great mpg, easy to wash, and a chick magnet(have to beat them off with a stick). Can't wait to take mine to the track, I'm sure I'll smoke a few ricers. Well, that's only if I can get the crowd of people to back away long enough to stage and race! ;)


Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

I say BS, there are huge, huge supplies of oil and if anything it is replenishing in the earth constantly. We have no reason to go to other sources of feuls until the free economy drives the conversion. Like I said gas prices adjusted for inflaion are lower now then they have ever been. The government is screwing up the entire process by sticking their grubby hands into it. Maybe the best thing that could happen is that the Democrats block this Estrada thing for the next 10 years and not another thing is accomplished by congress in that time. Why do you think corporations have to lobby congress? They aren't allowed a say or vote in any other way, but they are taxed beyond beleif. If congress didn't have such a huge effect on business (as the founding fathers intended) then they would have no reason to try and effect it's outcomes. They would just supply the products to fill demand, and the effeciency of the entire nation would go through the roof.

Why would anyone want to block drilling in Alaska? It's a wasteland where they are talking about drilling. If anything it's more damaging to be drilling in the deserts of the Middle East, why don't all you "enviromentalists" go protest drilling in Iraq, and please get there in the next week or so.

People who try and push their anti-americian agenda by blaiming SUV's are by far the worst. It doesn't matter if Suzie needs a H2 (or better yet a Unimog) to drive around town in her singles lifestyle to get her hails done, that's her free choice to make. I can guarentee that Barbara Streisan doesn't need a 25,000 square foot house with every room air conditioned to keep her plastic face from melting. What if you drive a Echo 40 miles a day and I drive my "gas hog" only 2 miles a day, aren't I doing more for the planet they you? Why don't you stop your abusive lifestyle and move into town or find a new job. Personally I don't car what you do or drive ans long as you can provide for the lifestyle you chose. The probem is the old saying about when you point a finger at somebody remember that there are three more pointing back at you.

Uncle Sam
Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Corporations aren't allowed to vote? I beg pardon, but I've never hosted a fund raiser for a congressional reprentative. However, I'm sure the big oils have. That's how they vote.
Re "environmentalists", I do not consider myself one, however I have seen the destruction that oil companies leave behind due to the fact that there is no incentive for them to clean their own up their mess. Contrary to popular belief, there are many endangered organisms in alaska that cannot sustain moderate alterations in their environment.
Regardless, the technology is there to convert our current engines into cleaner burning engines. The oil co's stand to lose alot of revenue if fully realized. Would you like a pay in cut? Oil companies don't either.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged


Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Well Unc, I guess that's where we are different, I am an enviromentalist. But I don't buy into the anti-capitolist, anti-americian BS that isn't pushed to save the enviroment, but to bring down capitolism, freedom, and the Americian way. The planet has survived a long time in a hostile universe full of cosmic storms, solar flairs, and asteroids. I don't think cutting down a few trees or digging up some coal and oil is really going to snuf this planet out.

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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

"why don't all you "enviromentalists" go protest drilling in Iraq, and please get there in the next week or so."

That's the funniest sh1t I have read all day, honestly.

"The government is screwing up the entire process by sticking their grubby hands into it."

99% of the time, government regulation screws everything up. Please don't give California as an example of dereg. gone wrong. That's the only one you people ever give me.

Our resources should be managed in a laissez faire fashion. There should also be a more accurace price reflecting the resources it took to get it. In this case, fuel.

2002 2WD RC SLT 4.7L 5spd 3.92 LSD
MBRP Single in/out | straight piped 3rd cat | turndown tip
Full Hotchkis (bars, springs, shocks) and RAS
Shaved emblems and antennae
150BM fan | removed clutch | HD Radiator

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

I callled the number that "buzz" listed in his post and reached a private residence that never heard of Greater acceptence Mortgage Company nor anyone with the name Crownover. Maybe the name Crownover is a play on the Eglish for crown or head which would then mean the name is headover, which as a word play means the whole thing is supposed to be over our heads.
Andrew have you not ever heard of Ashland Marathon Oil? They are the single largest oil refiner in the midwest and in parts of Texas and Louisiana. Marathon mostly sells under Starvin Marvin,Gas Town,Save America,Speedway,several other names, and to independent retailers. The world HQ for them is in Findley Ohio, which for you that are geographicly challenge is about 100 miles south of Detroit Mi.
Most of you are getting ripped of on your gas prices a local BP is currentl listing low grade for $1.769 and accross the street the Starvin Marvin is listing at $1.569 and a few miles away at I80 and I280 the truck stops are as low as $1.519 wake up America it is a scam.The prices I have listed are correct as of 8 pm. 3/14/03 Toledo Ohio

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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Buy your gas at Costco :)

2002 2WD RC SLT 4.7L 5spd 3.92 LSD
MBRP Single in/out | straight piped 3rd cat | turndown tip
Full Hotchkis (bars, springs, shocks) and RAS
Shaved emblems and antennae
150BM fan | removed clutch | HD Radiator

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

The California deregulation example is actually the perfect example. You see California didn't deregulate at all they restructured. They fixed retail prices while wholesale prices were deregulated, and allowed no new generation in an exploding population. Consumers didn't see any increase in price for over 4 years and didn't change usage, or push for more generation, they actaully blocked more generation. All of this was the government's grubby hands in things. Ultimately now Gray davis now wants to make an even bigger government power system then existed in the first place. They may ultimately end up being the only government controlled power generating state, and seeing as how the population of California seems fixed on developing power generating meathods that can no where near keep up with their demand, they will be forced to buy from out of state, unregualted power generating facilities. Texans must love the idiots in California making them all that money.

Uncle Sam
Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Thanks for the economics lesson. LOL

"Texans must love ca for all that money"...

Dynegy....Friday close...$2.11/share

Yep, they really must.

My gas bill last month was $24.00. Still resonable to me.

"Planet has survived long enough"... Hersbird, anyone who watches the discovery channels knows that the earth has survived, however all species have not. Solely due to our environment. What's anti-american about wanting new technology available that ensures a current stabile environment or at least a reduction in pollution as well as new jobs in a changing job market place.

Bada Bing

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

The largest electricity companies in Texas are TXU, Reliant, Centeral Power, San Antonio Public, and Entergy. Total electry generation in texas made $18 billion in 1999. California a much larger state that uses much more electricity only made $19 billion in electricity sales in 1999, I wonder why they are the same?
Enviromentalists say save the planet, not save the people. It is not un-americian to develop new energy sources if it is driven by the market forces and the consumers. There is no strong proof, let alone solid facts that the use of fossel feuls current or furture will lead to significant global climate changes for the worse. There is also no sign of of running out of these resources. Drilling in Alaska sould be 100% up to the people of Alaska, where in the world did the federal government get the power to "own" such huge peices of land all across the country? Hey I say it would only be fair if the people of Montana could deceide on how Central Park was used. I say give it back to the Indians, also I think they should reintroduce Grizzly bears and Wolves there, and you're not allowed to fence then in, or kill them if they stray out of the boundaries either, they are protected.

Uncle Sam
Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

No argument on that from me.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged


You're a fuggin moron. You hide behind the "I'm a patriotic American" bull sh1t and claim to be an environmentalist. You're neither patriotic nor an environmentalist.You're what everyone in the world hates most about fat, greedy, arrogant, self-absorbed American yahoos who think they have the right to fuk the planet over and everyone on it "because they have free will".

The "free will" argument wore thin 25 years ago. SUV's are a scurge and a curse. I hope gasoline hits $50.00/gallon then we'll see true conservation. Petroleum is not an infinite resource. I don't know why you "think" it renews itself in the ground.

It's truly ignorant and stupid people like you who are destroying the planet. There is ample evidence that the level of pollution we generate is causing global warming. Stupid, uneducated clods like you will never be convinced until it's too late. That's why the whole job is left up to smart people.

As for you're "market driven forces" theory, if that were true, you'd be making a buck a day, if that.

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RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
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Gee I bet Exxon really gives a shlt what we think!

00'r.c,solar yellow 40 flo',160 stat ,trick flow phenolic tb. spacer,R.T. tailpipe,pro-flo air cleaner

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Shilton, you are demonstrating the classic liberal argument when you have no facts to support you claims. Just switch to emoitions and make personal attacks. Thanks for helping prove a point.

Dodge Dakota


RE: Let's lower gas prices... PLEASE READ...
IP: Logged

Oh yeah, and you're just a DUMMY!

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