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11:33:44 - 03/12/2025

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Subject: RE: warning on APS tb's
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hehe fine wayne, on that same note you expect anyone here to believe just because I'm a succesful web developer that I instituted and developed the technology that both adobe and macromedia use on the web?? hell no, I don't use my nitch interest which I never put weight on to attempt to "snow" people like you do. Jes' man that's like joe blow saying just because he's in astronomy he has flown back and forth to the moon and because he's in that field we should believe him! Hell man, the only people that are rising to the top of the pool as unbelievable are you and bernd.


oh hey guys, the sites that I develop are titanium coated... don't try to figure it out, it's what I'm into, but yeah there titanium coated and if you attempt to argue the point I will tell you that I have a huge factory backed by billions in vc and you will be left with the burdon of proof!

damn wayne your biggest enemy is common sense and your own mouth! You want to get into how bernd bailed on frank & bruce and dan then turned to you?... and then he screwed YOU over too yet you stuck with him like a puppy looking for a home??? Or you want to talk about the initial tb's you release were made from cores that bernd "aquired" from dan without ever paying him? Hell man you ripped martin and dan's tb design then yanked f&b's shaft idea and rolled with it because that what you could make immediate money from... want to keep talking?


Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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Your facts are TOTALLY WRONG... And even though it’s none of your business, Bernd owes me a sizable chunk of money too... I am not defending him or mistakes he has made... He owes me, perhaps you and others here money including Dan & Bruce... If he can I am sure he will take care of everyone... I have known Bernd a long time... There is a difference between a good person that made financial mistakes and a bad person that never intended to do right by people... The Bernd I know is the former... And to clear the air... I purchased TB Cores from any number of sources... including a sizable quantity of Brand New Mopar’s Units just to fill the core pool... I have not to the best of my knowledge received one from any person that was not paid for... Bernd does not send me free cores and whoever told you that needs to check their facts… I buy them!... My business dealings are above board and I attempt to always do right by my customers… I will give people back their money rather then having them upset… I will always try and do the right thing because that is how I want people to treat me… If now you want to burn me at the stake for not condemning Bernd more fully that is your prerogative… However sir do not state my products as being anything other then high quality when have no proof to the contrary…

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
IP: Logged

Gas Prices hit $2.29 a gallon for supreme in the Bay Area... Can you believe that... Up $0.06 from yesterday!...

dano 360
Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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just because the APS t/b is new and hasn't been proven on the street by members of various dodge boards, doesnt mean its a piece of crap. dan and f&b were selling new products at one time too. i checked out the site and it seems to be a nice peice. next month ill be purchasing a new t/b for my ram,and i will be going with the fastman 52mm. only because my truck was used in a t/b test on and the fastman52mm made the best power on my truck. if we used an APS t/b in the test,and got better #'s i would go with far out of this whole post we have one member who is using the APS and loves it. and 1 or 2 who have never even seen one up close and bash it. i can understand not wanting to use a part that hasnt had much time on the streets in your truck, but dont pass judgement on what you dont know.


Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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Actually we have a whole lot out on the street... and far as I know everyone is happy... We are having it INDEPENDANTLY tested so that no one can dispute our claims... I don’t know how much fairer you can be then that... And to Danny if you want to try one we will give you the group buy price... The FastMan in our opinion is a very good product however, ours has specific advantages like the 17-4 Heat Treated NON BENDING Stainless Steel Shaft which works N/A, Blown, Nitrous, or Blown & Nitrous, We shave the top of the body flat, remove the Stonehenge Blocks, Have Screwless Blade Retention which makes our strong shaft even stronger since we don’t drill holes in it... It’s a good product and we spent a lot of time with it to make sure that it not only performs but also will stand the abuse of Nitrous Oxide / Blowers... Which has been an issue on competing products

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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Like I said before, I love my APS 50mm and as long as I like it, that's all that matter's. There's plenty of dodge truck owner's who appreciate the time that folk's like Wayne, Dan, Bernd, and so on, who take the time to develop part's that will increase our truck's performance. It's your own personal choice whom you choose. That's why there's a baskin robbin's, you get to choose what flavor!

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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I just purchased the Fastman 46mm TB for my V6 and it performs better than I expected. One of the selling points for me was the customer service I got from Dan Arcand. He VERY patiently answered all my 10's of questions with the utmost professional demeanor and respect. I have never heard of your company, but the way you conduct "business" with the direct lack of respect or ANY professionalism at all with your combative posts, it is clear to me that I made the correct choice. Perhaps your degree should have been in business marketing.


Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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I did lose my cool and that is out of character... I screwed up my knee pretty bad and with the amount of pain I am in... I have been more then a little cranky to say the least... I am glad you got a product that meets your expectations... When you need some transmission help... give me a ring... Take Care, Wayne

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
IP: Logged

-Wayne440 said:
As far as the APS, It’s totally different in design with a Screwless Shaft which is far stronger than Fastman’s as well as a better 17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Shaft Material...

LOL! Who gives a fυck! Why the hell would I need a "Screwless Shaft which is far stronger than Fastman’s as well as a better 17-4 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Shaft Material"? I can't believe Speedtweaks is still feeding off the ignorance of the people on this site.

"Screwless Blade Retention which makes our strong shaft even stronger" <-- so you can fυck that many more people out of their money.

Did I mention I love this site! Keep em coming guys!

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
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Joe... APS has nothing to do with SpeedTweaks... They are two differnt entities, APS is delivering product to customers when its ordered...

Todd W
 User Profile


RE: warning on APS tb's
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Jeez man, $2.29? Makes me wish I wasn't going to move out there come the end of April! Erk...

Hey, you know, if you want to send me one of your V6 TBs to test and give everyone a review I'll do it for no charge! ;)

No? Drat, well, can't blame me for trying! Honestly though I can see where you'd be upset with some of these people who (admitadly) have no metalurgy experiance nor have even used one of your products bashing them. But I, for one, am capable of making up my own mind (something that pisses people off!), and I liked what I saw of pictures of your equipment and product.

If I ever have the money to replace the TB, I know APS will be on the list of 'to check out'.

Speaking of that, you know one thing that would be really cool for you to make? A replacement linkage for the TB that allows the larger V8 TB to hook to a V6 without cable swapping. Yes, I know cable swapping isn't hard, but not having to do it is even less hard. Just a suggestion. :)

I learned to drive from James Bond and playing Grand Theft Auto

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
IP: Logged

-Wayne440 said:
Joe... APS has nothing to do with SpeedTweaks... They are two differnt entities, APS is delivering product to customers when its ordered...

That's funny, the whole speedtweaks crew came out of hiding to defend and push APS.
I agree with Frankie, as to APS = Bernds buddy. You could easily talk me into believing Wayne is Bernd himself...

And now I believe it even more after looking at the two websites ( They are almost identical! I guess both being "Limited Liability Companies" means that when they take your money, they don't owe you ѕhit.

Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
IP: Logged

The APS ordeal gets much more interesting on this thread:

Another Joe
Dodge Dakota


RE: warning on APS tb's
IP: Logged

I sort of jumped in the middle of all of this... Wayne, where did you get your master's degree from? The only reason I ask is I know a lot of people in graduate programs at various schools and they all write in grammatically correct English. You may be legit; you may have a master's degree in engineering. However, if you want to convey your education level to potential customers, try to watch your grammar.

When I get emails from people that use "your" when they mean "you're" my first instinct is "idiot". When I see people capitalize words that have no business being capitalized, I have a similar reaction. I am not calling you a moron - I am just giving you a different point of view. Keep in mind that the internet is a much different means of communication. I don't know you, you don't know me. If you want me to buy something from you - especially something expensive - you need to earn my trust/respect.

Just something to think about.

- Joe

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